Are you aware of what financial factoring is?

Are you aware of what financial factoring is?

One of the aspects that usually stops many people from starting their own business is the financial issue, and the first few months are the toughest of all. It’s during this initial period that more capital and liquidity are usually required, and in many cases, these...
Econometrics: Quantifying Economic Relationships

Econometrics: Quantifying Economic Relationships

There is no doubt that economics is the basis of our world today and, although we do not stop to think about all the economic studies that are performed every day, their presence is undeniable. We are well aware that topics of this style tend to be tedious for those...
5 secrets of the dynamically linked library

5 secrets of the dynamically linked library

How many times have you been confused by all the elements in a program? Surely many times, and now with us you will understand a little more about it. It’s time for you to see what a dynamically linked library is. In a few words, it’s the one used to load a...
How to use descriptive statistics for market analysis

How to use descriptive statistics for market analysis

Have you ever made a decision to change something in your company based purely on intuition? If so, we hope it worked out well for you. But what if we told you that you can turn to statistics for this? That’s right, today we want to talk to you about descriptive...