Hard skills? Top 10 skills to put on your resume

Franco Brutti

15 de julio de 2022

15 de julio de 2022

15 de julio de 2022

Hard skills? Top 10 skills to put on your resume
Hard skills? Top 10 skills to put on your resume
Hard skills? Top 10 skills to put on your resume

You've probably heard of soft skills, but do you know about hard skills? Do you know what they are?

"Having it all" can become a challenge for any entrepreneur or brand, especially when there is so much information on social media about what you "must have" if you want to get the ideal job or your dream job. 

The truth is that few leaders and managers talk about this topic, it is still something taboo despite the amount of content you can find just a click away.

The truth is, these skills can make all the difference in your professional future. Therefore, it's time for you to take note of all these details that we've written down for you. 

Pay close attention!

What are hard skills?

We can define hard skills as skills that you develop during your training period and that allow you to perform better in your job.

This means that hard skills depend fundamentally on the position or activities you perform. For example, the hard skills of a journalist are not the same as those of a programmer, are they?

As a programmer you will have to learn about programming languages, logic, interface-related problem solving and much more. Meanwhile, a communicator must develop skills to nurture their source, ask better questions and send a message more accurately.

If you want to move up the hierarchical ladder in your company, the best thing you can do is gain new hard skills that allow you to advance over time.

How are hard skills demonstrated?

Unlike soft skills, hard skills are demonstrated through paper, i.e. certifications, courses, degrees, diplomas and more.

As a college student or a professional who is taking his or her first steps, you can set goals for hard skills. 

And you can achieve this by looking for the most in-demand skills in your field of work and focusing on getting a lot of certifications.

Nowadays, with so much demand and competition for professionals, recruiters look at degrees and certifications to give someone the job. In addition, hard skills will be your greatest ally in getting a promotion.

Top 10 hard skills in demand today

Want to improve your chances of getting your dream job? In hard skills you will find part of the solution. To help you, our team has compiled a list of the 10 hard skills most in demand at the moment:

1. Computer Science

As you well know, the vast majority of white-collar jobs are done through a computer. That's why you need to know how to handle at least the basics of office automation, ranging from Microsoft Office, Excel, Power Point and much more.

Another point that adds up is knowing how to use the Internet as a tool to make money or solve problems. The network is not only for fun, so you will have to see it as another work tool to increase your chances of employability.

2. Writing

Yes, writing is essential in a world that has migrated almost 100% to digital. But, writing what? Well, there are several areas you can focus on.

One of them is spelling. That's right, you can't get a good job with bad spelling, so the first thing you should do is polish the mistakes you might have.

On the other hand, we recommend that you learn about persuasive writing so that you can convince others about a certain project. This will be key for your bosses as well as for a potential client.

You will be surprised how much money you can earn by writing properly.

3. Programming

It's true that this may be more focused on IT professionals, however, it turns out that in recent years many platforms demand the use of basic knowledge in programming languages to solve problems.

Which ones? Well Wordpress is one of them and because it is the most used CMS for blogs, you could use some knowledge about HTML. If you put this in your resume you will surely surprise your boss.

4. Social Networking

Claro, no podemos olvidar a las redes sociales. Estas plataformas han transformado la vida Of course, we can't forget social media. These platforms have transformed the lives of all of us, so much that they've become not only entertainment tools but also business tools. 

Knowing about social networks is essential to increase the projection and image of a brand since they can make the difference between getting or not a certain position. Recruiters are on the networks in search of the ideal prospect.

This will show that you can help your company make more money. In addition, many companies are creating specific positions for these professionals, so you could be in that group.

5. Languages

I'm sure you've heard of someone with a lot of talent who didn't get a job because he or she didn't know other languages. 

Consequently, you will have to learn at least two languages to be more competitive with other professionals. 

You should also take into account that this will open up many possibilities of working in other countries, so don't leave it for later.

6. Law

Yes, perhaps knowing the law will not increase your chances of changing jobs, but it will allow you to know what your rights and duties are within an organization.

It never hurts to know how much you can demand and how much you must give. For all these reasons, we recommend that you spend a few minutes on this topic.

7. Sales

Sales are fundamental in life and at work as well. A professional who knows about sales will be able to help his or her company earn more money, something that is indispensable in such a competitive world.

This will allow you to stand out from the other colleagues you have around you, since we all offer services to a third party which are the companies.

8. Cloud computing

Cloud computing is a trend that has been maturing over time and companies have noticed it. Therefore, if you have knowledge about this you will be able to help them back up their files and free up space in the memory of their servers.

You will also protect them in the event of a possible equipment failure, something that is not at all far-fetched.

9. Artificial Intelligence

If you get to know about artificial intelligence, doors will open for you. Here you can implement your knowledge to create and simplify processes that increase productivity.

10. Cryptocurrencies

Finally, we could not forget cryptocurrencies. They have undoubtedly revolutionized the world of finance and economics, so if you understand them you could use them to your advantage.

Companies can request professionals to help them cash their products and services in the cryptocurrencies of their choice. In addition, there are now specialized companies in the industry such as mining farms, exchange sites and much more that could use your help.

Top 10 hard skills in demand today

This is why hard skills can make all the difference in your professional future. It's time to pay attention to them and develop the skills that are most in demand in your field to increase your chances of success. Let's go for it!

Do you have any other hard skills in mind that have slipped our minds? If so, we want to know what you think. As you'll see, we don't have an absolute truth.