Legal notice

Legal notice

Legal notice

A. Owner of the website accessible at www.thepowermba.com. Commercial information and contact details

The details of the owner of the website accessible at www.thepowermba.com (hereinafter, the "Website") are as follows:

Company name: Powereducation, SL, (hereinafter, "ThePower Business School").

Registered office and postal address: Calle de C. de Orense, 62, 28020, Spain.

E-mail address: hola@thepowermba.com

Tax Identification Code: B-87867297

Registry data: registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Volume 33.937, Folio 148, Section 8ª, Page M-610752.Contact details of the Data Protection Delegate: dpo@thepowermba.com

If you wish to contact ThePower Business School you can do so at its postal address or at hola@thepowermba.com. For any question related to personal data protection you can do so at your postal address or at dpo@thepowermba.com.

 B. Condition of User of the Website and obligation to comply with its Terms and Conditions, of which the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy are part. Possibility that there may be general and particular conditions applicable depending on the service.

A user of the Website (hereinafter, the "User") is any person who accesses, browses or otherwise interacts on the Website: (i) the student of any of the educational programs offered on the Website (hereinafter, the "Programs"), (ii) the User registered on the Website who is not a student because he/she has not subscribed to any Program, or (iii) the User who simply accesses the Website. The first two Users mentioned (i) and (ii) will also be identified in these terms and conditions as registered users (hereinafter, the "Registered User(s)").

Being a User implies acceptance, without reservation, of the following mandatory documents, all of which are incorporated, by reference, into this Legal Notice:

(i) the terms and conditions of the Website (hereinafter, the "Terms and Conditions", accessible at https://www.thepowermba.com/es/terminos-y-condiciones/, binding for the User and for ThePower Business School, and which expressly regulate the contractual relations arising between ThePower Business School and the Users.

(ii) the Privacy Policy (accessible at https://www.thepowermba.com/es/politica-privacidad/ ) and the Cookies Policy (accessible at https://www.thepowermba.com/es/cookies/ ), also binding for ThePower Business School and the Users.

Some services of the Website are subject to general and particular contracting conditions, regulations and instructions that, if applicable, replace, complete or modify the Terms and Conditions. In any case, such conditions must, like the Terms and Conditions, be accepted by the Users before the service is provided, and if such acceptance is not given, the User expressly acknowledges that access to and/or use of such services expresses the entire and unconditional acceptance of the particular conditions in the version published by ThePower Business School at the time of such access.It is possible that, during the provision of the services included in the Website, the name of the domain under which such services are provided may be modified. Therefore, the Users know and accept this possibility, remaining in such case completely in force the obligations accepted by the Users and ThePower Business School according to what is established in this document.

C. Intellectual and industrial property of the Website and its elements. Rights, authorizations and licenses in favor of ThePower Business School.

All the contents shown in the Web Site and especially, videos, designs, drawings, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, commercial names, brands or any other signs susceptible to generate intellectual and industrial property rights, to the own image or any other on intangible assets, are property of ThePower Business School, or of third parties with whom an agreement has been reached for its legitimate exploitation.

In no case shall it be understood that the access, navigation and use of the Website and/or the Program by a User implies a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of said rights by ThePower Business School. The User has the right to use the contents and/or services of the Website and the Program for strictly academic or educational, personal purposes and this within a strictly domestic scope.

Any reference to registered trademarks or trade names, or other distinctive signs, whether owned by ThePower Business School or third party companies, in which case they are licensed to ThePower Business School for their use and/or exploitation, implies the prohibition of their use without the consent of ThePower Business School or their legitimate owners or licensees. At no time, except for previous and express manifestation to the contrary of ThePower Business School and of its legitimate holders or licensees, the access, navigation or use of the Web Site and/or its contents, confers to the User any right on distinctive signs included in it. Likewise, and for security reasons, it is not allowed to use "frames" or mechanisms that alter or vary the design, original configuration or contents of the Web Site.

None of the contents hosted on the Website may be downloaded, reproduced or used in any other device or place different from the Website, unless ThePower Business School has enabled the means to do so.

Toda referencia a marcas o nombres comerciales registrados, u otros signos distintivos, ya sean titularidad de ThePower Business School o de terceras empresas, en cuyo caso se encuentren licenciadas a ThePower Business School para su utilización y/o explotación, lleva implícita la prohibición de su uso sin el consentimiento de ThePower Business School o de sus legítimos titulares o licenciatarios. En ningún momento, salvo manifestación previa y expresa en contrario de ThePower Business School y de sus legítimos titulares o licenciatarios, el acceso, navegación o utilización del Sitio Web y/o de sus contenidos, confiere al Usuario derecho alguno sobre signos distintivos en él incluidos. Asimismo, y por razones de seguridad, no está permitido utilizar “frames” o mecanismos que alteren o varíen el diseño, configuración original o contenidos del Sitio Web.

Ninguno de los contenidos alojados en Sitio Web puede ser descargado, reproducido o utilizado, en ningún otro dispositivo o lugar diferente al Sitio Web, salvo que se haya habilitado por ThePower Business School el medio para ello.

D. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The interpretation and execution of this Legal Notice, the Terms and Conditions and any other general or specific conditions of contracting any service or Program through the Website shall be governed by Spanish law.

In the event of any type of discrepancy or claim between the parties, they shall negotiate in good faith to attempt to resolve such discrepancy or claim within a maximum period of one month, counted from the date on which either party formally notifies the other of the discrepancy that has arisen, or notifies the claim. In the event that the discrepancy is not resolved, ThePower Business School and the User, expressly waiving any jurisdiction that may correspond to them, agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain).

This Legal Notice has been modified on March 24, 2022.

Powereducation, SL © 2023