Highest paying jobs for 2023 and beyond

Franco Brutti
The relentless search for economic independence is a topic with a lot of issues to be addressed. Searching for the best job options, assessing your environment, social relations, but more importantly, salaries, all of this matters when it comes to getting a job.
Nobody wants to invest excessive time and effort for poor pay, that much is clear. However, thanks to today's technological development, new areas for job development have been created.
Both companies and freelancers have the possibility to maximise their earnings with a good amount of ingenuity and creativity.
However, within the labour spectrum, there are jobs that, as a matter of demand and necessity, can be much more highly paid than others.
And knowing about these professions and/or specialisations is of utmost importance for many young people or adults who want to get a really good job. And that's why you're here, to find out what the best paid jobs are today and in the future...
Why do some jobs pay better than others?
This point is often very controversial, as depending on your ideals or beliefs you may agree or disagree with reality. It's true, every job is important because every job has a unique function in society. But what is more in demand or what is needed more?
The latter question can be answered in many ways, and the reason lies in our appreciation. The value of "something" is given by each individual's subjectivity about that something, since what is valuable to one individual may not be valuable to another. And this is the key point for understanding the value of work.
Of course, there are many other factors to take into consideration in terms of "value". These factors will be mentioned below. However, subjectivity will always play the key role in setting it, but it's up to you to choose the option that best corresponds to your needs and personal value.
1. Occupational risk
Although job requirements in different jobs may call for the same or similar skills, the salary may be higher or lower, depending on the risk involved in a particular position.
Here's an example:
Imagine two workers on an architectural or building site. In the search for personnel, a specific profile may have been requested to participate in the project.
With previous experience.
Knowledge of tools and fundamental concepts.
No fear of heights.
This may be a general profile, which must be present regardless of the specific specialisation of the personnel. However, although these competencies or values are required for everyone, the person who beats concrete is not the same as the person who glues blocks at great heights.
This is a rather simple and perhaps terse example. But the important thing to understand is that the higher the risk, the higher the pay.
2. Training
Well, it's true that nowadays a person can generate a high income without having a Master's degree or a PhD (thanks to the dynamisation of the market). However, this doesn't mean that it isn't a crucial determinant when it comes to recruitment.
Having specialised training through academic means that few people have access to or are able to achieve is not something that goes unnoticed.
The more training experience you have, whether in academic institutions or in independent learning processes, the more merit you will have and therefore the higher your pay will be.
3. Experience
This point can be somewhat controversial, but it's something that is in high demand for complex jobs or jobs that require very detailed skills.
At other times, the reason for experience is due to lack of time or the client's need for immediate service. Therefore, previous experience is valued more highly with the aim of speeding up the process and satisfying the client's needs.
If you need experience, don't worry! You can always start with small jobs, or use some digital platforms to showcase your skills as a professional and capture the attention of your target audience.
4. Negotiation skills
Although it may not seem like it, knowing when and how to ask for an improvement in the working conditions can determine an improvement in the salary proposal.
Of course, for this to happen, it's necessary to negotiate on reasonable terms for both parties. Try to haggle some proposals in your favour if you feel it's necessary, as far from being seen as disrespectful, you are making your true value as a professional known, and a good client knows how to notice this.
When the interest is there, the offer is dynamic.
Tips to get higher paying jobs
Training: there's no millionaire without training in an area, so be careful with that! Preparing ourselves with knowledge is fundamental to carry out tasks professionally and without mistakes. Knowledge, as well as power, also translates into better job offers.
Areas you like: while others may recommend you to accept jobs you don't like in exchange for good money, our proposal is that you bet on what you like and make the most of it with ingenuity. Be the differentiating factor and you will be rewarded.
Create your own business: if you are going to give your all and make sacrifices, there is nothing like doing it for your very own business. This is a well-known saying that you should keep in mind, since a well thought-out, well-developed and well-executed personal project is what can truly lead you to financial independence.
Ask for a raise: sometimes, it isn't necessary to look for another job to receive better pay. If you think you do your job well, you can take on other responsibilities and you fulfil important functions, try to ask for a raise with your immediate boss, if you are successful you will be saving yourself a lot of work.
One last tip is to always evaluate the job markets. Evaluate the different salaries of professions and jobs, and in case you are interested in things that don't pay very well, study how to innovate in that sector and make it more profitable.
The 5 best paid jobs now and for the future
Now, what's important and the main reason why you should be reading this article: what are the best paid jobs?
Take into consideration that each of these jobs has certain characteristics that make it very demanding. Such as the characteristics or factors that we mentioned in previous points, from its demand in the market to the knowledge necessary to exercise, experience and so on.
Nor should you see this list as something that is absolute. They may be good options, but that doesn't mean they are the only jobs available, there are many more, it's just a matter of assessing their demand in relation to others.
1. Systems engineering and programmer
Systems engineering, also called software engineering, is a very special kind of digital work, and one of the most complex. Why? Because it's about knowing how to understand and communicate with a smart device, be it a computer, phone, tablet, etc....
In simple terms, your purpose is to engage in a process of communication with the machine language, to give commands to the device and thus create programs, applications and useful tools for our use and consumption.
There are many machine languages, each with its own characteristics or working philosophy:
And many others, and within each language, there is also a specific level of complexity that depends on the technique used to communicate.
Imagine the human language, there are many languages in the world and each one of them has characteristics that, according to a previous study, is more complex to learn than another. So it works the same way with machine language, the approach of languages changes and the way of communicating changes.
However, whether you learn and master one or several programming languages, you are assured of a job almost anywhere in the world. Software engineering is in high demand, and will become even more so over the years as technology advances and evolves by leaps and bounds.
Level of complexity: medium - high.
Job security: high.
Occupational risk: low to medium.
2. Surgeon General
Of course! The branch of medicine is wide-ranging and in almost all areas the pay is very good. Here the medical specialties play a very important role in terms of demand, and also in terms of complexity or occupational risk.
A general surgeon, or an organ surgeon such as a cardiac surgeon, is one of the top paid jobs. Not surprisingly, it requires many years of training, practice and experience.
Because the level of complexity is high, the risk is high and there will always be a high demand, you will have job opportunities almost anywhere in the world. And best of all, of course, with a good salary.
Are you interested in this field? Be happy to know that after so many years of effort, its fruits will be guaranteed.
Level of complexity: high.
Job security: high.
Job risk: high.
3. Data scientist
This job may not be well known or popular in young people's conversations when they ask "So what do you want to be when you grow up?"
However, don't be fooled, this particular job is more than in demand in companies, especially medium and large ones. Because companies and corporations handle an immense amount of structured and unstructured data. Understanding and interpreting this data is no easy task.
That's where your job comes in. Your job as a data scientist is to decode the information that companies collect about their industry in different domains. They analyse, interpret and provide clear orders on how to execute strategic actions to address business conflicts.
Some of this data analyses information in relation to:
Potential customers.
Percentage of sales.
Study of areas of action.
Competing companies.
Effective strategies.
Business profitability.
Market predictions.
Another aspect to highlight of the data scientist, is that you have diverse fields of action: Entertainment, education, health, products and services businesses, among others.
Level of complexity: medium - high.
Job security: high.
Occupational risk: low - medium.
4. Investment banker
Imagine that you are a creator of financial models adapted to the needs and demands of each client. And that these models, when applied, are a resounding success, allowing both public and private companies to grow their capital.
Sounds crazy and exciting at the same time, doesn't it? Well, that will be your purpose as an investment banker. You are the financial advisor to both private corporations and government entities.
Your clients will come to you for guidance on how to set up savings plans, where, when and how to invest correctly, and how to build business relationships with competitors when necessary.
In short, you will be responsible for creating effective business models that not only take care of your client's capital, but also promote their growth.
Level of complexity: high.
Job security: high.
Job risk: high.
5. Cloud architect
While it is true that there are programmers and software engineers in charge of creating applications in the cloud, also known as cloud services, the architect is the one who provides the virtual spaces so that a cloud tool can be enabled.
In recent years, therefore, it's a job that has gained great popularity among companies of global stature.
One example? The Metaverse, proposed by Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook.
For this project to be plausible in the future, it's necessary to create such massive cloud servers that can handle an almost infinite amount of data so that coexistence within the digital sphere is possible.

Do you want to secure a good job in the future? Become a cloud architect.
Level of complexity: high.
Job security: high.
Job risk: medium - high.
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