How to be a digital nomad? All the tips to achieve it

Franco Brutti
If you've heard or read the term "digital nomad", it's because it's becoming more and more prevalent in our society thanks to digitalisation.
It's no joke! It's only a matter of time before jobs become fully digital. So learning how to master these means, understanding how they work and what the purpose is, is of utmost importance for the future.
No matter what your profession is, learning digital skills that allow you to perform tasks and to work in the field will be very useful at any point in your life.
Want to know what it means, and how to become a digital nomad? You've come to the right place. The place where information and knowledge are presented as the introduction to your professional practices in this new digital sphere:
What is a digital nomad?
Let's do a little basic etymology to understand much better what this concept is all about.
When we say "nomad", we are talking about a person who does not have a fixed place of residence or home. In other words, they are constantly on the move and carry out tasks such as hunting and herding.
On the other hand, digital refers to any medium that uses and transports information by means of bits for a specific task. For this, our hands are used for its control and performance.
So what is a digital nomad?
It's a professional who can work and develop their skills anywhere in the world, thanks to the digital environment that enables a global internet connection.
This means that the digital nomad:
Doesn't have a fixed place of work.
Sets his or her own rules, schedules, means, and hiring requirements.
Can be a freelancer, an entrepreneur or a remote contractor.
That's right! Within the world of the nomad, there are types of nomads, which we will discuss in greater depth later on. However, in all cases, the most important characteristic must be present: the possibility of working anywhere in the world.
Are you a person who likes to travel? Do you have a job or profession that requires you to travel constantly? Do you want to start your own business and that location isn't a problem? Are you interested in generating dividends from the comfort of your own home?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you have the spirit to become a digital nomad.
I'm sure you're wondering: how do I do it?
What do you need to become a digital nomad?
You should always keep in mind some key ideas about this way of life.
1. Working based on results
Let's elaborate on this idea with an example, imagine the following:
You are a SEO copywriter of content on the internet, you work remotely for an international company.
Well, in such cases, companies hire staff because they understand that their priority isn't to meet "meaningless" schedules, but rather productivity and profit-generating results.
If the company's objective is that the articles on their blog rank in Google through your knowledge as a SEO copywriter, they aren't interested in whether you completed 5, 8 or however many hours of work per day....
What they are interested in is that when the article is delivered, it meets their expectations and goals.
Do you write for sales? Then the company must sell with your work.
Do you write to create authority? Then the company must become a reference.
Do you write to create empathy with the reader? Then the company must have loyal customers.
Do you get the idea? The conception of your job changes, it's no longer about following orders, it's about creating productivity through your skills, knowledge, ideas, etc.
2. Discipline
The fact that you have the freedom to define the way you work doesn't mean that you should neglect your responsibility and discipline towards your goals.
Be careful! Don't get confused and think that by succeeding in a single project or job, you will have a guaranteed future. If you are good at something and you have the potential to develop in a niche in a digital way, make this your constant source of work.
To do this you need:
Market research.
Short, medium and long term goals.
Dedication to your work.
To accept and learn from your mistakes.
To strive for quality over quantity.
And most importantly, learn from your mistakes and don't stop at obstacles, there is no success without falls.
3. Growth mindset
The advent of the digital age has meant that many jobs that used to be performed face-to-face are starting to take their place in digital media.
Education, customer services, deliveries, administrative and legal processes, media, and the list goes on...
Well, no matter what your job or profession is when it comes to becoming a digital nomad, your main goal is to aim for self-sufficiency, i.e. to become an independent person through your online work, becoming an authority figure in a niche, able to solve specific needs.
In short, having skills in negotiation, communication, management, administration, finance and emotional management.
All this will allow you to grow steadily while you develop your personal branding until finally, you will be able to make a living from your work as a digital nomad anywhere in the world.
4. Developing passive income
This may not be an obligation in the skills and competencies that a digital nomad should have, but it's a very important point in our economic life and savings.
Keep in mind that this tip applies to both face-to-face and digital jobs.
Knowing how to develop businesses that allow you to generate money without having to invest time is key when it comes to being independent and having a good savings fund.
You can make a living from your work! That's true, but don't forget that an important part of life is to have emergency funds that are always available and not run out of alternatives.
Especially when you're a digital nomad! You don't want to be stranded in an unwanted place in case of an emergency...

3 Types of digital nomads
We mentioned it near the beginning, but we haven't explained in detail what we mean by the types of nomads.
While it should be clear to you by now that the main characteristic is that these jobs can be carried out with an internet connection from anywhere, there are several ways to generate income.
1. The freelancer nomad
The freelancer is an individual who sells a particular service that other people, either due to lack of skill or lack of time, cannot perform.
Remember the previous example of the copywriter? Well, it works in this case too. An internet content writer, specialising in SEO positioning, is a job that you can do from the comfort of your own home, combining your digital skills with your communication skills.
We can all "write". However, copywriting is much more than that. It's about knowing how to connect, how to make yourself understood, knowing how to explain yourself and be clear, having a type of language according to your readers and many other elements that are involved in the craft, and that not everyone can do or has the time to do.
That's when the meaning of the word "freelancer" comes into play. You offer a service that someone else can't do, and you get paid for it.
What jobs can a freelancer do? Really anything as long as it has a place in the digital world.
Graphic design.
Community Manager.
Customer service.
The limit is in your creativity, innovation and resolution of real needs.
2. The nomad on a payroll
Do you remember we told you that there is a possibility of being a nomad with a fixed monthly salary from a company? Well, this is what we are talking about here.
It's not about meeting schedules, it's about a company demanding certain skills or knowledge to meet specific objectives.
They no longer require the staff to be in the company, they may very well be from another country, with access to the internet and solve the needs to make a profit. You can have all the advantages and benefits of a nomad:
Your time.
Your organisation.
Shared work criteria.
Savings on transport.
And all this, assuring you a salary every month. And if you're wondering how much we're talking about, that will depend on the value that you, as a digital nomad, give to your own work and/or skills.
Of course, keep in mind that the value of your work must also be recognised by others in order for it to increase in value.
If you are just starting out, you cannot expect to earn the same as a nomad who has a well-developed personal brand.
Try to build your own personal portfolio of work and to have a way of demonstrating to potential clients that you have the talent, skill and ability to fulfil your role fully.
3. The entrepreneur nomad
When it comes to entrepreneurship, this is the most direct way to earn passive income. Let's see, when you want to make yourself known on the web and social networks with your niche or personal brand, the normal thing to do is to create authority and then pay for advertising.
This way, little by little, your posts, services, products or whatever you want to promote, will reach internet users who will start to get to know you.
However, another very profitable method of becoming an entrepreneur is through the sale of an infoproduct. And how do you do that?
An infoproduct is a digital product that aims to satisfy a need through your knowledge with a product that you can offer online.
Are you familiar with audiobooks, ebooks, private gadgets, useful paid tools, etc.? Well, that's an infoproduct.
Because it is found on the internet, it doesn't have a production cost as such, it can be sold infinitely many times, regardless of time and place. Thus increasing your income, but not your costs, a very profitable business.
If you have a skill that few others have and you want to help others learn it or satisfy the needs of others with it, becoming a nomadic entrepreneur is your life purpose.

Tools you need to be a digital nomad
Throughout this article, we've provided you with very useful information that you can and should put into practice to become a good digital nomad.
We've also mentioned some of the jobs you can do, and we invite you to find out more about the digital skills that will be most in demand in the future.
However, to become a true digital nomad, you must have the necessary equipment and tools for your travels and/or work. So, we'll leave you with a list of the essential equipment and tools, and then move on to the optional ones or those you don't need immediately.
Laptop: this is a must, whether you are travelling or you are constantly on the move, having a laptop or notebook will allow you to work from anywhere with internet access, as you can carry it with you. Needless to say, you need to take your charger with you in case your battery runs out.
Smart device: by device we mean any smart digital device with internet access such as a mobile phone or tablet. This will be very important either for certain jobs (photography, Community Manager...) or to keep in communication with clients. Besides, they can always get you out of a hurry.
External storage: this is necessary not only because of the lack of data storage (which is also important), but also because you always need an external backup of your important files and data. In the event of a breakdown of your devices, there is nothing like having a backup that doesn't depend on them.
Power adapter and extra plugs: if you find yourself travelling to other countries, this is more important than you think. Check what types of adapters you need depending on your destination and don't forget extra plugs in case you need to plug in more than one device.
Accessories or work equipment: depending on the purpose of your trip and how much work you will need to do, you can take with you whatever you need: headphones, graphic tablets, USB sticks, etc.
Digital apps and software: depending on your type of work and the needs you have, you will need to make use of useful applications for your work. Trello, CapCut, Drive, Google Maps, Uber...
Website: if you have an online business or enterprise, you will eventually need to invest in your own hosting and domain and be able to create authority on the internet. Initially, it's enough to create your portfolio of work, but once you start to grow and take your work seriously, you will need presence.
Languages: this may be optional at the beginning, but once you start to grow and gain authority, you will need to master other languages. English is a must, as this will greatly expand your client network and you will need to communicate when you start travelling.
Finally, ask yourself these questions:
Am I able to create an online business and handle the uncertainty and obstacles involved? Do you like to travel? Do you want to do your job regardless of being constantly on the move? Do you want to create authority on the internet or do you prefer to create it in the traditional way?
If your answers were positive, then congratulations! It's time to start your own project as a digital nomad.
You already have the tools! Now, put them into practice, and don't forget, invest in education and training whenever you can.
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