Microsoft Ads: How to create your first campaign

Franco Brutti
Google has competition and boy, does it have competition! Microsoft Ads is just the window your business needs to appear in every possible digital media.
And if you are a content creator or digital marketer, you will be interested to know that you can advertise in other search engines, and although Google is the protagonist of the search engines, there are still possibilities to generate sales in other channels.
If what you want is to give a total turn to your ad strategies, you definitely have to enter the world of Microsoft Ads campaigns.
This tool has all the potential in the world, in fact, more and more advertising agencies are focusing only on this platform to generate revenue for their clients' brands.
Whatever your case may be, you will be interested in knowing all the necessary information about Microsoft Ads that you will read below:
What is Microsoft Advertising and why should you use it in your business?
It used to be known as Bing Ads and has evolved into what we know today as Microsoft Ads. It's an ad campaign management platform that works just like Google Ads.
The only difference is that Microsoft Ads is designed for a search engine that isn't Google, which in this case is Bing.
Although it seems that the technological giant takes all the limelight, the truth is that there are still sectors of the population that prefer to make use of other search engines that are just as reliable and specific with the information.
An open window for digital marketing agencies and for those entrepreneurs and businesses looking to position their brands in other markets, ones that are not as competitive as Google.
In this platform for SEM you can create ads as personalized as possible to your audience and it works thanks to the cost per click, that is, you only pay when the user clicks on your ad.
What we like about Microsoft Ads is that it has a special focus on small business growth. Those who have chosen the platform as their primary campaign management site have had good results in terms of sales.
In fact, there's a resounding success story in Europe and that's the digital marketing agency DEPT, from the Netherlands.
They started using Microsoft Ads as their primary SEM manager to run their clients' campaigns.
What started as a test with only 30% of clients having approved of using Microsoft Ads, ended up with 80% of the agency's clients now preferring the tool to generate sales for their businesses.
3 Reasons to use Microsoft Advertising
If you want an additional reason to the success story we just gave you, then let's see which of the following advantages could help you make the final decision:
1. You will vary your tool.
Thanks to the platform you have the possibility to reach a target audience that you are not taking advantage of with Google Ads.
And there are thousands of people who still prefer Bing over Google, which is an advantage for you, since it's a new audience to present your brand to.
2. You will save time and effort
If you want to try the platform but don't want to build your campaigns from scratch, you can migrate the one you already have running on Google Ads.
Thanks to the data import option, you will have your campaign just as you had structured it in the other tool.
3. You will find less competition
As it's a tool that's little known and still to be expanded, you have the possibility of working with greater freedom since there are no competitors to take the lead.
The vast majority of agencies and digital marketing managers in the world use Google Ads as their main ad manager, so take the opportunity to innovate with Microsoft Ads.

Steps to create your first Microsoft Ads campaign
At this point you already have in mind what it is and what advantages you can get from Microsoft Ads, it's time then to move on to the steps you must take to create a campaign from scratch:
Step 1: Create your Microsoft Ads account
You will access the official Microsoft Ads platform to set up your user account.
Here you will enter your contact information, business information, type of advertising you want to do, phone number and your geographic location.
Step 2: Create your first campaign
Once your business information is complete, you will create your first ad campaign.
Just as you would with Google Ads, you will enter the name of the campaign, the list of keywords you've already researched that you can also import from Google Ads by the way, the language, the exact amount of money you're going to invest in this campaign and the format of the ad you're about to create.
Step 3: Select the keywords you’re going to work with
Microsoft Ads gives you a suggestion of what would be the most successful keywords to work with according to a previous analysis of your website. However, from The Power MBA we recommend that you configure the keywords on your own so that you can enter the data you want your target audience to know.
Step 4: Create the ad
You will then choose between the three types of Microsoft Ads: responsive search, expanded text ad and app installation ad.
Here you'll bring out your copywriting skills to write ads that are as personalized and aligned with your consumer's desires as possible.
Step 5: Set the budget you're going to work with
Microsoft Advertising also works on a bidding system, which means that more than one business or company is competing for the same keyword, so we recommend that you raise your bid only when you feel it's necessary.

Microsoft Advertising is just what you need to know in depth other digital marketing alternatives.
Beyond being a high-level advertising tool like Google Ads, it's an opportunity to learn about other areas of opportunity from which you can generate income.
Have you tried Microsoft Ads before to create ad campaigns? We want to know what you think, as always, let us know in the comments box.
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