ThePowerMBA Evolves! Everything You Need To Know About our New Corporate Identity

Franco Brutti

14 de enero de 2022

14 de enero de 2022

14 de enero de 2022

ThePowerMBA Evolves! Everything You Need To Know About our New Corporate Identity
ThePowerMBA Evolves! Everything You Need To Know About our New Corporate Identity
ThePowerMBA Evolves! Everything You Need To Know About our New Corporate Identity

ThePowerMBA was founded in 2017 with one, clear mission:

“To make higher business education open and accessible to all.”

After 4 years, over 650+ networking events worldwide, and the graduation of some 70,000+ students from more than 100 countries…we think it’s fair to say we’ve made some headway into that goal. But now it’s time to set that bar even higher, to dream a little bigger. So, let us introduce you to our new, corporate identityThePower Business School.

A lot can happen in 4 years!

As you probably know, ThePowerMBA was founded to transform the traditional higher education model. We grew tired of watching traditional business schools roll out the same, antiquated learning model, class after class, having little impact on their students. To top it off, completion rates were steadily dropping while costs for students were going the other way. We’re not just talking about financial costs (which are extortionate) but also the number of physical hours spent sitting in a classroom. Today, priorities have changed. How many people can spend thousands of dollars, risk spiraling debt, quit their jobs, and essentially put their life on hold for two or more years? Not very many… But is that fair? That access to these resources is limited to a privileged few. No, which is why something had to be done.

ThePowerMBA is Born

Our answer was to launch our (now) flagship business program, ThePowerMBA, from which we adopted our original brand name. This allowed everybody to study a hands-on business program, taught by some of the most renowned names in world business, in 15-minute classes, without strict schedules, and at an affordable price. Many of our students have commented that ThePowerMBA was made for all those people who weren’t looking (or even considering) doing an MBA. The world still needs practical, innovative, creative, disruptive professionals who can adapt quickly and solve problems, and they shouldn’t be priced out of the resources that allow them to do so.

Expanding our Product Portfolio

Today, ThePowerMBA forms part of our growing product portfolio, which includes programs such as:

  • The Power Digital Marketing - students will learn to master all the major digital marketing channels, metrics, tools, and methodologies directly from some of the world’s leading experts.

  • ThePowerMBA Advanced - a combination of our two household programs (ThePowerMBA and Digital Marketing) to give students a complete handle on the business tools, strategies, and methodologies needed to advance their career, achieve their objectives, or start a new business venture.

  • PowerCareer - students will discover how to reinvent themselves and build a new career path in 5 weeks with one of LinkedIn’s Top Voices, Rafael Sarandeses.

With many, many more to come! As you can see, it didn’t make sense to continue with our old brand name, right?

Our development as business school

A new goal: Training the teams of companies of all sizes and sectors

By now, those of you who know us understand it’s not in our nature to conform… At the beginning of 2021, one of the goals we set ourselves was to train the teams of some of the best companies in the world. So, we decided to launch ThePowerMBA inCompany. In less than 6 months, we’ve already been joined by companies such as Danone, Sanitas, L'Oreal, and Clicars, among others, who have opted for us to train their workforce to evolve digitally, innovate, and improve their CSR. Again, we noticed a similar issue facing individuals looking to pursue higher education. Traditional business schools are priced so that only a few managers or executives can afford to be trained. Why is this the case? Why isn’t there a viable option for companies to train their entire team? That’s where we come in. ThePowerMBA inCompany’s learning model makes it possible for companies to train entire teams for what it would have previously cost to train a single manager. Similarly, today's online course platforms suffer from low completion rates. For this reason, ThePowerMBA inCompany seeks to differentiate itself through a Comprehensive Transformation Plan tailored to each company’s specific needs. Again, we had to ask ourselves, does our brand name truly reflect who we’ve become?

ThePower Business School is Born

So, why the change? We feel that this rebranding better reflects the company’s long-term mission. Rather than solely representing our flagship online business program (ThePowerMBA) ThePower Business School goes a step further. It marks a new stage in our international expansion, the wider range of programs on offer, the development of the world’s fastest-growing professional community, and of course, the creation of our new project, ThePower inCompany. As with all corporate identity changes it doesn’t stop at the name, as we’ll also present a new logo, new values, ​​and a new color palette!


 We mix our knowledge about B2B and B2C to succeed in our objectives

A logo for two business models

An organization’s logo must represent the deeper, underlying values of the brand. Our new logo presents an isotype that seeks to reflect our two business models: B2B and B2C, both united under the same umbrella - the democratization of higher business education worldwide.

Our Values

Who are we? What do we believe in? By answering these questions, we are better able to define our new, corporate values:

  • Disruption: one of the most common words used when discussing our programs and initiatives. A value closely linked to technology and its use in offering students new ways to learn and progress their professional careers.

  • Globality: part of our mission to democratize education worldwide is to create a globally accessible brand. This means anyone who wants to learn can do so regardless of language and/or culture.

  • Closeness: another fundamental value closely related to the tight-knit community created by ThePowerMBA students and alumni, breaking down barriers faced by traditional business schools.


brand identity with our colors

Splash of color

If you had to relate our school to a single color, what would it be that would be the first to come to mind? Let us guess, green? Well of course! Therefore, even if we change our visual identity there’s no moving away from our range of colors. That said, we have added a dash of color to our palette making out matrix a little broader.

ThePower Business School, a brand in constant evolution

We want our students to enjoy living, learning, to reach places never ventured before...but above all, we want them to EVOLVE. Our new corporate identity is a testament to that commitment. Welcome, to ThePower Business School!