Web Analytics: Understanding your data

Claudia Roca

27 de marzo de 2023

27 de marzo de 2023

27 de marzo de 2023

Web Analytics: Understanding your data
Web Analytics: Understanding your data
Web Analytics: Understanding your data

Would you like to know more details about your customer's tastes? It's time to focus on web analytics to go much further in your strategies. 

It’s true that today there are many tools that help you in your daily work, but the truth is that few show you what the behaviors of your target audience are

This is where web analytics comes in. With this alternative you will see the numbers of each of the users when they enter your page and social networks. 

Forget about working with a blindfold on your eyes. Reduce uncertainty and dedicate yourself to know what your customer wants. 

Shall we start now? 

What is web analytics?

Let's start by defining what web analytics is. It’s the discipline responsible for studying, measuring and processing all the information that reaches a site or app and then making the appropriate adjustments.

Analytics studies the whole behavior of users when they are on our website, from the moment they enter until they leave for good. Therefore, you will know how long they stayed, what interactions they carried out and which pages they visited during their stay. 

So, it’s not just a matter of extracting the data, but to interpret them properly to make the right decisions. This way you will know which keywords work best, the pages that most attract the attention of users and the impact of your digital campaigns.

How does web analytics work?

It’s interesting, because most of the websites that apply analytics insert a javascript fragment in their code. This way you can count how many times the site receives a visitor or clicks on a specific link, that is, when the audience interacts with the platform. 

Likewise, the tag collects very important information such as the browser, geographic location and the device used by the client, all this thanks to the tracking of the ip address. 

In this sense, some of the data you can collect are: 

1. Audience data

In this category the system shows you the number of unique visitors, number of total visits, percentage of new visitors compared to returning visitors, country where the traffic comes from, and the devices that are used the most. 

2. Audience behavior data

On the other hand, in terms of audience behavior data you will find exit pages, bounce rate percentage, current most visited sites, average time of visit and the number of pages the user visits on average. 

With this information you will know exactly what the visitor does every time he/she comes to your site. You will detect the sites that work the least, the average time of each visit and any data that reveals the behavior of the customer every time he/she is on the web. 

From here you will make much more accurate decisions. 

3. Campaign information

You will also find information on the campaigns you have recently launched. In this sense you will detect from the pages that have worked best, those that have not worked, those that generate more traffic and you can break down important data such as email marketing or the results of your campaign on social networks. 

4 Benefits of web analytics

Do you still have doubts about how useful web analytics can be for your business? It's time to pay attention to the following benefits so you can see all it has for you: 

1. You get to know your users

First of all, with web analytics you can monitor all your visitors and this helps you to really know your customer's profile. 

Remember that with this tool you will see statistics and metrics as interesting as bounce rate, visited content and keywords that work best. Therefore, you will understand what your audience likes and what they don't, so you will optimize your resources to the maximum. 

There’s nothing better than having an x-ray of what is happening inside our project and with analytics you will have it in the blink of an eye. 

2. Optimize the page

Of course, once you have the information you need from the client you will be able to develop the strategies that are relevant to optimize your page to the maximum

You will place the calls to action right where they should go, change or eliminate the content that doesn’t work at all and use the keywords that are generating the best results. 

3. Allows you to carry out a marketing plan

With data at hand you will know what to do in your marketing campaign to create the content your target audience is looking for and eliminate what they don't want to see. 

Now you will target that location where most of the traffic that follows you is and use the words that connect with their mind.

4. You predict future trends

It’s much easier to predict what will happen in the future if you have data at hand. Once you know what your customer's behavior is, you will understand how it will change over time and you will adapt before it’s too late. 

You know that competition today is brutal, so it’s very important that you take into account any data from your audience to create products and services tailored to their needs. 

Web Analytics benefits

Top 5 web analytics tools

The progress of web analytics for any business is impressive, especially if we take into account that thanks to it you can extract information that will allow you to know the habits of users and relevant indicators and from there you will make much more accurate decisions. 

However, it’s essential to keep in mind what the objectives of the strategy are and then choose the metrics that fit that goal in question. 

In this sense, choosing the right tool will help you meet all the projections you made at the beginning of the project. Let's take a look at some of the most commonly used ones today:

1. Google analytics

We couldn’t start with any other alternative than with Google Analytics. It’s the leading data analysis program, having up to 50 million pages that use its service monthly to detect habits in your audience. 

We love the fact that it offers both paid and free alternatives that fit all budgets. So, do you want to get to know your visitor in depth? It's time to take a look at what Google Analytics has to offer. 

No matter what your niche is, the tool will show you the data you need to make the necessary adjustments. 

Here you will see visits, unique visitors, most viewed pages, average page views, where your audience comes from and the language they use, keywords they use to find your content and their behavior on the web. 

2. Semrush

In second place we have Semrush, a website that has grown a lot in recent times and we’re already realizing why. 

The company is characterized because it gives you everything you need to identify keywords that have the traffic you are looking for, for your content. In fact, its analysis tools cover more than your own website, so you can track your competitors to see what they are doing well and what they are not. 

This way you can emphasize on organic searches and linkbuilding strategies that will allow you to attract more traffic to your project. 

3. Kissmetrics

On the other hand we have Kissmetrics, a company that offers analytics in the cloud and reflects real-time information with intelligence related to each user and then adds your information in a personalized dashboard. 

Conversion opportunities will appear in front of you because you will see in depth what your customer's behavior is every time they enter the project. 

In this sense, we love the fact that you can group users according to the type of actions, features and devices they use to enter the platform. This way you can more precisely segment their behaviors and know which profiles are more profitable for you.

4. Amplitude

Now it's time to talk about Amplitude, a product intelligence site that focuses on tracking user experience and habits every time they visit your website. 

With the program you can segment traffic, create funnels and improve customer retention in the medium and long term. 

In fact, Amplitude's specialty is retention, so it's perfect for those who already have a base and want to improve their positioning in the market. 

5. Clicky

Clicky is a tool that has gained importance in recent times thanks to the speed with which it displays data in real time

It has the ability to reflect the number of visitors to a site with details of each of the users accessing the project. It also gives you heat maps and hundreds of individual statistics that allow you to see the behavior of a specific customer.

Analytics functions for your website

Well, you already know how important web analytics is for your digital project. Thus, it’s time to check out the functions it will bring once you implement it:

Let's look at some of them below: 

1. Measurement processes

The main function of web analytics is to perform a measurement process to evaluate the behavior of your users every time they enter the web. 

For this, specific programs are used that are included in the tools that we showed you in the previous section and that detect in detail everything that the audience does when they are in your project. 

Forget about working with your eyes closed. Use web analytics and find out what’s happening on the platform. 

2. Virtual trace of users

On the other hand, with web analytics you can create a clickstream strategy, which is the trail that users leave when they browse a website. 

Have you ever noticed the footprints you leave when you walk on the beach? Well, that’s exactly what happens when you enter a page and now you can use it to your advantage. 

In a nutshell, it’s the recording of what the customer does on the Internet, specifically when he/she visits a particular site. This is where concepts such as the clickstream appear, which shows you which pages your user looks at and in what order. 

This information is very useful in ecommerce, since you need to know which products attract the most attention and the percentage of abandoned carts you have at a given time. 

3. A/B Testing

The A/B test has become very important in recent times, and it gives you the possibility to identify the most effective content. To achieve this, an identical action is carried out in two different formats to determine which is the most effective in the medium and long term. 

Generally this tool is used to improve conversion, so if you have this objective it’s time to take a look at it. 

With this information we’ve realized that web analytics is transcendental to be successful on the Internet. The number of users who browse is increasing, so it’s essential to know what’s happening day after day to make the right decisions. 

Likewise, it’s never too much to see the actions of your competitors to improve what they are doing well and discard what doesn’t work. With the amount of supply that exists today, we must take advantage of any tool that we have at our disposal. 

We hope that with this information you can make the best use of web analytics to take your business to the next level. Now it's your turn to choose the ideal program that fits your budget and goals. 

Are you ready to get started?