What are the best browsers for Web 3.0?

Franco Brutti
Web 3.0 (also known as Web3) is the third version of the Internet.
For many, it represents the next level in web development, or in other words, the next step of the Internet into tomorrow.
As such, it’s not an existing version of the World Wide Web, but a set of standards for what the third generation of the web should be towards a new digital age.
Blockchain technology seems to be the key to access this new generation of the web. Because yes, blockchain technology offers endless possibilities into the future.
But what are the best browsers for Web3, what do they offer, how can I access Web3 with Google Chrome? In this article, we will answer all these questions.
What are Web3 browsers?
First of all, we have to know the two previous versions.
Web 1.0 was the first generation of the Internet, when it was just beginning to see the light of day and we did not know its potential.
Version 2.0 is the current version of the web as we know it.
As its name suggests, Web3 browsers are designed to comply with Web 3.0 protocols, the latest version of the World Wide Web.
This new generation is based on a decentralized open source model, supported by language and natural interaction. In other words: a faster, free, orderly, efficient, secure and easily accessible network. A model closer to the true purpose of the internet.
For many, blockchain is the bridge between Web 2.0 - today's World Wide Web - and Web 3.0.
Open source protocols and the decentralized internet go beyond cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Blockchain developers seek to exploit blockchain technology to its full potential.
Browsers for Web3 are based on blockchain, the open source decentralized protocol basis for transactions in cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Although it has not been fully developed and implemented, it’s the basis of open source and internet protocols for decentralized websites, applications, cryptocurrency exchanges and marketplaces.
Now, let's take a look at the best Web3 browsers and what advantages they offer.
1. Opera Browser
Opera is the browser for Web3 with by far the most users today. It’s quite fast, has an integrated ad blocker and a native VPN, so it doesn't need extensions. In addition, its user experience is dynamic, versatile and very intuitive thanks to a wide range of customization options.
Through its crypto asset multi network, Opera supports various blockchain, such as chains compatible with Layer 2 solutions and Bitcoin. It also supports ETH, ERC-20 and ERC-720 tokens through its Non-Custodial Crypto Wallet.
And it even allows you to create NFTs via Alteon LaunchPad, simplifying the creation and development of NFTs.
It also offers two excellent modes for cryptocurrency investors:
2. Crypto Browser
The Crypto Browser can be seamlessly integrated with various digital wallets to sync with other decentralized apps and allows you to transact in the following domains:
Unstoppable Domains
The Crypto Browser can also integrate with other platforms, such as Telegram, Discord and WhatsApp. It is intended to bring crypto communities together in one place.
3. Crypto Corner
Crypto Corner is Opera's news and updates portal, where you can find out about all the latest news in the cryptocurrency world. This includes new blockchains, NFT galleries, market trends, communities and more.
4. Brave Browser
Today, Brave is gaining popularity thanks to its fast interface, integrated ad blocker, security standards and protocols, and privacy standards, such as:
Integrated VPN
Tracker and redirect blocking
Privacy policies
Social network blocking (if desired)
JavaScript cookie removal
Recently, Brave added a cryptocurrency wallet to its platform, a native browser wallet that requires no extensions. Even better, Brave partnered with Salana, a PoS and PoH consensus-based blockchain provider.
This software is a favorite for the creation and development of NFTs, DeFi and decentralized apps - and one of Ethereum's biggest rivals. As a result, Brave is one of the best Web3 browsers.
5. Brave Wallet
Thanks to Brave Wallet's native browser integration, you won't have to worry about asset theft, phishing, data breaches and additional background processing. Brave wallet capabilities include, but are not limited to:
Sending, receiving and managing crypto assets and NFTs.
Accessing a diverse list of providers
Importing crypto wallets
MetaMask integration
Purchasing fiat coins through Wyre
6. Osiris Browser
Osiris Browser is the first fully blockchain-based browser on our list, and a real promise among Web3 browsers.
It’s already recognized as the third largest and most promising Web3 browser, just behind Opera and Brave.
The browser completely restricts extensions, ads, pop-ups and third-party access points through Osiris Armor, its native ad blocker, Privacy is the cornerstone of this browser. Thanks to the Acent blockchain, it has integrated blockchain features and its privacy model into a fast, simple and efficient browser.
7. Metawallet and dAppstore
This is Osiris' integrated wallet, only available within its platform. This layer 2 solution is compatible with ETH, TRX, BSC, DOT and of course: ACE (token offered by Acent).
Osiris also has a native integration to dAppstore, a marketplace with a wide repertoire of dapps, projects and NFTs. This platform is only available for Osiris.
Here you can create, develop, use or download decentralized applications while generating revenue. As well as you can sell your projects and cryptoassets.
8. Puma Browser
Puma Browser is one of the browsers for Web 3.0 on the rise, developed by Coil.com. It offers a mobile browser, available for both Android and iOS, as well as a crypto wallet for dApps.
The platform features a variety of blockchains, such as Bitcoin, Solana, Etherum, Trol, Polkadot, and Cardano, among others. In addition, it allows you to make payment on networks with PCoin, as well as ERC20-ETH as its main network token.
It also offers a tokenization system based on the TRC20 standard, so that any user can transform their files into tokens.
On the other hand, Puma Browser seeks to expand its offering towards a web landscape based on the interledger protocol. A decentralized web ecosystem where creators and developers have more freedom and control over their creations through NFTs. An ecosystem based on user privacy, totally free of ads.
9. Status.IM
Satus.IM is an unobtrusive but promising Web 3.0 browser.
It offers an integrated cyptowallet that supports ERC20 and ERC721 tokens. In turn, you can transact with ETH, DA and SNT, among other Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies.
In addition, its browser and cryptowallets are interconnected to a marketplace of decentralized applications.
And it even offers a chat room on its platform. So, you don't have to sync other messaging apps and - just like your transactions - your conversations are secure.
10. Aloha Browser
Aloha Browser is a browser in its early stages. It has all the necessary features to make your browsing safe and risk-free. Its privacy standards are quite high according to its own users, who even see it as one of the most secure browsers.
However, its integrated VPN can slow down its speed and performance in general. Nevertheless, Aloha Browser is still a promising browser, especially for its privacy measures.

How do I use Web 3.0 from my browser?
Using any browser with a built-in cryptowallet
Using a cryptowallet extension
Chrome does not offer a direct option to integrate to a blockchain. After all, Google's data acquisition model is the antonym of what blockchain and open protocols can offer.
Similarly, Microsoft Edge and Safari cannot integrate directly to blockchains of any kind. The best alternative in these cases is to use Metamask.
Metamask is a free open source cryptowallet based on Ethereum. It offers an extension to interconnect common browsers, such as Chrome, Edge and Mozilla, to different blockchains.
Since its inception, this platform was conceived not only as a cryptowallet but as an alternative to interconnect common browsers to blockchains. In other words, to bring blockchain technology and cryptoassets to all corners.
As a cryptowallet, it offers a large number of cryptoassets, such as ETH, Cronos, USDT, Polygon, BSC, among others. You can also redeem NFTs within its marketplace. However, being an Ethereum-based platform, it’s not compatible with other blockchains such as Bitcoin or Solana.
So: which one is the best?
Opera Browser has one of the best repertoires for accessing the blockchain.
Brave offers excellent options for the creation and development of NFTs and dApps, but its cryptoasset offerings are restricted to Salana's offerings
Both Opera and Brave can be considered the two best browsers for Web 3.0 - or at least the ones that do meet the parameters of the web of the future.
Osiris, the browser created from Acent Blockchain, is the only browser for web 3.0 fully based on blockchain and is recognized as the third best alternative today.
Puma Browser has a wide variety of blockchains and cryptoassets available on its platform.
Status.IM looks quite promising but its offering is limited to Ethereum-based tokens.
Aloha Browser has excellent privacy standards but cannot compete against the other browsers in speed and efficiency.
From here, we invite you to try out the different web 3.0 based browsers and find out which one best suits your needs!
Whether you want to invest in cryptoassets, trade NFTs, or simply enjoy the applications that a decentralized web can offer you.
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