Do you know what a computer programmer’s salary is?

Franco Brutti
Are you worried that your current job still doesn't pay you enough? Maybe it's time for you to take a look at the salary of a computer programmer, it's sure to catch your attention.
It's no secret that programmers are one of the highest paid professionals today. And you've probably already heard that, but the important thing is to know how you can be part of this new trend.
Can you imagine creating an app and selling it to a multi-million dollar company? That's how many young people have generated wealth and no one can say you won't make it.
Make your way through a career that will allow you to work from home, have multiple clients and do your bit for the world. Are you up for the challenge?
What is a computer programmer?
Have you ever wondered how the computer can do everything you ask it to do? The answer is very simple: thanks to programmers.
These are professionals who create, modify and test the command lines that make computer programs work. To do this, they work in teams with software designers, who give them the specifications for the project in question.
This way, a programmer has the ability to create solutions for multiple needs, from a simple form to fill out a database of students in a school to an app that offers recommendations on exercise routines and measures performance within a specific time frame.
This is why programmers are among the highest paid professionals today, and why they are indispensable for providing technological solutions to many of the problems you face on a day-to-day basis.
What does a computer programmer do?
A programmer has a variety of functions in their daily routine, depending on the position they hold and whether they work as an employee or freelance.
However, there are a number of common denominators that identify this professional. Some of them are:
1. Designs programmes or apps
Of course, the first thing they do is design the programme or mobile app. Here we are not talking about the codes only, but the sketch of what the project will do.
It's very likely that you'll have support from other professionals who will discuss with you what you're looking for with the app and what specifications it will have to meet your objectives.
From here the programmer will get down to work.
2. Investigates the needs of potential customers
As a programmer you will have to put yourself in the customer's shoes to create an app adapted to their situation.
It's not the same a restaurant that needs a site to reserve its tables as a sports team that wants to communicate with its millions of fans via mobile phone.
That's why you must sit down with them, listen to them, advise them and guide them to then shape the project to fit what they are looking for.
3. Defines the technical specifications for the use of the programme.
On the other hand, once the programmer gets the client's needs and knows what design the platform will have, he/she will take action to define the technical details of the programme.
What elements are involved here? Aspects such as the compiler you will use, code editor, sequences, instructions and the technical support required by the project.
4. Uses the programming languages according to the project.
Closely related to the previous point, there are apps that are more suited to one programming language than another. For example, if it is a website, the best option is usually javascript or html, so you should take the time to make the right decision.
Study the characteristics of the project and compare them with the languages you master, so you will know which one is better for this situation.
5. Maintains the software
Support is a fundamental aspect of any computer programme. A programmer spends time not only creating the product, but also maintaining it to improve the user experience.
How many times have you logged into your bank's app but you can't finish the transaction? Well, this happens because the site has not been maintained as required.
6. Updates the platforms
Just as it's important to provide maintenance, it's also essential to update the app to the latest standards or operating system innovations.
That's why you should be aware of what's happening in the market to detect when it's time to take the platform to the next level.

What is the salary of a programmer in the United States?
One of the questions that most people ask themselves when they start studying a new career is: How much can I earn?
And it's normal, at the end of the day, bills are paid with money and not with love or hope. In this sense, programming is a highly valued profession in the country, to the point that it is one of the best paid professions today.
The average salary of a computer programmer is around USD 90,000, much more than what construction or communication professionals earn.
However, keep in mind that the United States is a very large nation and each state offers different amounts.
This is an estimated range, but some cities have a better outlook than others and you should take this into account. This explains why we find salaries of up to 200,000 USD, although it will depend on the characteristics of the job.
4 Elements that influence the salary of a computer programmer
Although the salary of a computer programmer can be high, the truth is that the amount will depend on many factors that you should consider before making a decision.
1. Experience
Yes, the first thing recruiters take into account when hiring someone is experience. Basically, the more years you have in the profession, the higher your salary will be, although it isn't a formula that is 100% true.
After all, years do not guarantee quality of service, although it is true that it gives more security than a recent graduate.
Now, you don't have much experience? Don't worry, start working now and see what the estimated ranges are so that you don't accept less than you deserve..
2. Specific position
Of course, just as it's important to value experience, it's also important to value the position that's available.
Maybe both positions are called "programmer", but behind the title there are many responsibilities that influence the salary of the professional.
3. Studies
On the other hand, we cannot leave aside the relevance of studies when valuing a professional.
The more courses and master's degrees you have completed, the more likely you are to obtain an attractive salary.
It is true that programming is not an activity that everyone does at university, but many people obtain their knowledge through the web. Well, it is valid, but if you combine it with some other degree you will improve your remuneration.
4. Niche
This point is fundamental, and the salary of a computer programmer will depend to a large extent on the niche in which he or she works.
For example, states such as Florida or California have a high demand for mobile apps, but perhaps in Georgia or New York the trend that's booming is the development of video games.
You should take this into account when choosing a speciality. See which niches have the best projections for the future and make the right decision for yourself.

7 Tips to increase your salary as a programmer
Are you determined to become a programmer? The truth is that it is an excellent decision, as few careers offer you so many benefits right in the palm of your hand.
Let's take a look at some tips on how you can improve your mid-term pay as a programmer. Grab a pen and paper and don't miss out:
1. Work according to the projects
The first tip we give you is to work on a project basis. That is to say, if you have the possibility to choose, do it this way because it will be much more cost-effective.
The problem with working by the hour is that you will always earn the same regardless of the activity you are working on. For example, one day you might be at a simple stage, but tomorrow you will be working in an area where you have to pay a lot more attention.
The opposite is the case if you work on a project basis. You decide or negotiate your own price for your service according to the complexity of the task. Apply it and tell us your results, you will surely be surprised.
2. Additional activities
If you work as an employee, it's very likely that your salary is fixed. The problem comes when that amount becomes insufficient for your day-to-day work and that's when you have to look for new alternatives.
What can you do? A good option is applying for an additional job or offering services in your spare time. After all, you only need a computer, so it's more than doable.
3. Go freelance
Closely related to the previous point, only here you will forget about employment and you will be 100% self-employed.
This way you will work with multiple clients and you will set your own conditions. This way you will know which projects benefit you and which ones do not fit what you are looking for as a professional.
Of course, not everything is a bed of roses, so you must be patient until you find your first jobs.
4. Make your services visible on the internet
Definitely one of the keys to increasing your value in the market is to make visible all the work you do in your career.
It's not compulsory, but it is true that brands look kindly on professionals who show the projects in which they have participated because it puts them in a superior position compared to other programmers.
No matter how much or how little progress you've made, put it on the internet, sign up on employment platforms and you'll see how the market will value you more highly.
5. Optimise your social networks
Closely related to the previous point, but here we're talking exclusively about working your brand on social networks.
LinkedIn stands out in this regard, as it is the social network par excellence for professionals. Here you will find job and business opportunities, so it's time to sign up.
What you have to do is to publish your experience and the projects you've done and create quality content so that the audience perceives you as a specialist in the field. In a short time you will find that opportunities will start knocking on your door.
6. Develop your programme and sell it
Another option you have at your disposal to increase your income as a programmer is creating software and selling it. Let's say it's every developer's golden dream, but you can definitely do it.
Just set a goal, research the customer's needs and translate the solution into a program that is as user-friendly as possible. If everything goes well, you can sell it and earn good money for it.
7. Mejora tus competencias
Finally you can improve your skills to improve your salary.
Come on, the demand is high, but the supply is higher, so if you don't dedicate yourself to improving as a professional you are likely to be left behind in today's highly competitive environment.
Being a programmer is like being a doctor, you constantly have to be updating your skills to provide the best solution for your clients. Therefore, do not settle for what you know, look for new courses or masters like the ones we have in our school to increase your value as a professional.
There's no doubt that the salary of a computer programmer is one of the big attractions of the career. However, we recommend that you focus on the bigger picture.
With this profession you can do your bit and create something out of nothing that will benefit millions of people - it's not just about money. This is the only way to be successful in such a competitive industry.
What other tips would you give a programmer to increase their salary?
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