What does Gateway Tech mean in programming and what is its function?

Franco Brutti

27 de marzo de 2023

27 de marzo de 2023

27 de marzo de 2023

What does Gateway Tech mean in programming and what is its function?
What does Gateway Tech mean in programming and what is its function?
What does Gateway Tech mean in programming and what is its function?

You may have wondered at some point in your life: how is it possible for the Internet to handle such a massive amount of data in real-time? And the truth is, it's a very reasonable question.

But, indeed, it’s possible and the answer lies in Gateway Tech. Basically, this term, which in turn is also a function within the digital world, functions as a data communication port.

Today we are going to understand a little better how this computer equipment works, what its functions are, and how important it is for the digital network we know today.

What is Gateway Tech?

It’s a router that functions as a stopping point for data, in which the direction or exit point of the information is established.

In other words, it’s in charge of determining to which point or device the data or information will travel.

This is what will prevent that, for example, the information that you want to send to a specific device, is not lost or reaching a completely different one. 

And it’s for this reason that the Internet is able to hold an immense amount of data since there are gateways that are responsible for processing and determining the direction in which the data are directed.

In the programming world, Gateway Tech functions as a gateway to the application programming interface (API), functioning as an entry point for a defined set of services.

It’s a type of Front-end programming and is very useful when a customer, such as, for example, a company, has a corporate working website and the interface was built with several disparate APIs. Thus, information will be prevented from leaking to other routers that are not the target, thus maintaining order and security.

4 Advantages of Gateway Tech?

The gateway is an excellent way to create other gateways. This in turn allows the encapsulation of back-end application structures, which can be used in a variety of ways depending on the customer's needs.

In addition to all of the above, gateways have allowed the changes made to the microservices of an API to be as light as possible. An elementary and very important factor when making changes and updates to the gateway.

This allows developers to more easily observe and study which features the provider has added to differentiate itself from its competitors and thus be able to make updates that follow this purpose.

And of course, the security of the device or computer system. A Gateway must provide advanced and encrypted protocols for connections, especially when it comes to the cloud. Since this will prevent any hacker or bad intention to take control of the infrastructure.

Other advantages to mention can be:

1. Network Firmware Updates

It’s essential when a software infrastructure is being used for a large number of simultaneous devices, such as those in a company.

It’s necessary that the firmware update process is compatible and automatic with all devices so that in case of adding new functions or services to the Gateway, these can be updated simultaneously.

2. Create a local data log

Network connection failures are common at some point, therefore, a remote computing device or structure must have the ability to log data locally, until the web connection is normalized and data can be recorded in the cloud or any other network storage.

3. Isolation

Although there may be an upgrade of the microservices offered by a gateway, it will not be necessary in some cases to upgrade the entire code. It will be sufficient to make minimal changes to the gateway's API so that it can continue to function normally. 

4. Caching 

All content fetched from static programming languages, such as JS and CSS, is maintained without any problems with the use of a gateway. This will make routing responses efficient no matter what environment they are in

In addition, we can't forget to mention the ease with which a gateway allows for troubleshooting, and implementing various microservices options in enterprise applications. It maintains an updated service guarantee for users, this being one of the most remarkable aspects. 

Advantages of Gateway

Characteristics of a Tech Gateway

Now that you know the importance of a Gateway, it’s important to define its characteristics so that you can identify it much easier.

  • It’s the one that administers and manages all the information that circulates both outside the network (local data) and inside it.

  • As the Gateway is a protocol converter, it has the ability to create compatibility between the different networks and interconnected devices. Thus, data processing will be possible.

  • It stores all the information and data found in the routing of all communication networks.

  • They can operate in any of the 7 layers of the OSI model.

Characteristics of a Gateway Tech

Types of Gateway Tech 

Gateways, in turn, have two main types, and each of them has its own characteristics or functions. Which are: 

1. Digital units 

They are the type of interconnection that we have described throughout this article, those that occur in Internet connections. This is also divided according to the continent, for example, T1 for digital connections in America and BRI ISDN for Europe. 

2. Analog units 

To exemplify this type, just think of telephone lines, and how they can be interconnected. Up to 24 different telephone lines can be connected in the same call. 

Example of a Gateway

To make this knowledge more practical and to give it more meaning, we will leave you with a simple example in which you can identify a gateway and understand its importance.

Imagine that you are in an office with several computers and smart devices, and there is only one network to the Internet. 

Well, through a router that works as a wifi decoder, each device has implemented an architecture that decrypts and translates a network protocol.

In this case, our protocol would be the wifi network that our router broadcasts and that will make the devices connect to the network. Well, thanks to the gateway, it will be possible for all the devices present in the office to connect to the same internet network.

Once the devices are connected to the network, the gateway will be in charge of processing all the information they send to external networks, requesting the processing of data or information.

In the event that changes are made to the IP routes, the gateway must be able to update this information so that all devices can perceive these changes and connect to the network without any problems. However, IP values and their ranges are always predefined to the best communication network.

Why should they be used in IoT applications?

Thanks to technological progress, it has allowed companies to create interconnection platforms with users and their devices. Thus, collecting useful information for the company, but this requires a much faster response time to be efficient. 

Thus, it’s necessary to implement a multiprotocol controller, which will be responsible for functioning as an iOT gateway, which will make use of all types of connections. Whether cloud connections, sensors, smart devices or PLC control networks. 

A gateway will considerably reduce infrastructure consumption costs, making the communication processes of companies with respect to their users, even more profitable. 

And not only that, it considerably increases data transmission by offering greater processing speed coverage. 

In conclusion, the more gateway-based technologies are applied, the greater the profitability and efficiency of communication processes. 

As you will see, the gateway in programming plays a fundamental role in the massive interconnection of devices. And it’s responsible for keeping data safe and ensuring that they are not lost or reach the wrong destination.

This technology is present in all current smart devices. And it is necessary so that our communications are not a mess on the network.

Have you ever developed a gateway? We would love to know your experience on the subject.