What is web programming and what is it for?

What is web programming and what is it for?

What is web programming and what is it for?

Franco Brutti

20 de febrero de 2023

20 de febrero de 2023

20 de febrero de 2023

What is web programming and what is it for?
What is web programming and what is it for?
What is web programming and what is it for?

Nowadays it's almost impossible to imagine the world without the internet and websites...

And in recent years the demand for professional web programmers has been increasing, so you can find all kinds of experts on the subject for your company.

Do you want to use technology as a resource for your company? You can have your own website and incorporate it into your next marketing campaigns.

That's why today we're going to talk about what web programming is. We will also tell you how to make the most of it for your company in terms of marketing campaigns.

Are you up for reading?

What is web programming about?

Web programming is the process of creating web pages. During this process, the programmer is in charge of shaping the site according to the demands and needs of the company.

Although it is true that as a company, you can decide on certain aspects of the site, the programmer will be in charge of advising you so that the result is the best one possible.

This advice is given with the intention that the site not only meets the needs of the company, but also offers a good experience to users who enter. For the creation of the portal, programmers use different programming languages that are currently available on the market.

What is a programming language?

A programming language is a computer language that programmers use to create software. This way they are able to indicate to the programs the structure to be followed in order to make the process as safe as possible.

Nowadays, there are many programming languages, so the programmer is free to choose the one he/she feels most comfortable with, the one that best suits what he/she is asked to do.

One of the most widely used languages in web programming today is HTML5 as it's compatible with the vast majority of computer browsers and mobile devices, such as smartphones.

The programming language allows you to set the structure of the website. Elements such as media files and fonts depend entirely on the language that is used.

Choosing the right language for your company's website is an important task, as it's one of the ways in which your customers can interact with you and your brand.

What are the tasks of a web programmer?

Programming professionals are among the most sought-after today. However, few people know exactly what the tasks of these experts are. That's why we're going to show you some of the tasks that programmers carry out on a daily basis: 

1. Knowing the client's needs

The period prior to programming is one of the most important and necessary ones. It's during this stage that both parties come to an agreement on the structure of the site, the theme and other important aspects for its operation.

This is the ideal time for you to give the necessary indications to the programmer. They will know where and how to add multimedia content, a hit counter and how to tailor the site to your brand's target audience.

Keep in mind that throughout the programming process there may be consultations and meetings. Each one of them with the purpose of getting to know the progress of the site, making last minute changes or advising on what's more convenient.

That's why it's important that you communicate all your needs to the programmer, so that they know how to start the programming process!

2. Programming the website

Once you've told the programmer everything you need or want for your website, the programmer will get down to work and start the process of programming the portal.

To do this, the programmer will use any of the existing programming languages on the market, as well as the information you gave him/her, and it's here where he/she will start to add the multimedia files, colour, fonts...

At this point, the structure of the web page begins to take shape. This process can take more or less time, depending on the specifications of the website and how much multimedia content the programmer needs to add.

The creation of special, web-specific functions is part of the programming. A certain action when the cursor is positioned on a space on the screen or an effect are some of the functions that can be created for your website.

3. Supervising and maintaining the site

The programmer's responsibility does not end when the site is finished. The professional needs to keep an eye on the site to make sure that everything is running smoothly.

It's important to carry out maintenance on the site from time to time, because it will prevent inconveniences and improve the experience of users accessing your company's site or online shop.

Types of web programming for businesses

As you might expect, there are several types of programming that you can take advantage of for your business or brand. Each with a different purpose that allows the user to have a smoother experience.

But, there are two types of programming in particular that are of utmost importance for a business website.

Together, they not only make up the website as such, but provide the user with a flawless and complete result. This is where the engagement with customers comes from, and it is in this way that they will want to buy from your online shop again or recommend your website.

1. Frontend

The frontend is the part of the website that users can interact with. This is where the entire customer experience takes place and where the most detailed programming takes place.

It's also the part that is referred to as the interface and client side. Multimedia files, action buttons, colours and typography are some of the aspects that can be found on this side of the web.

As we mentioned before, it's important that the programmer knows your needs and requirements. This way, the structure of the website and the project in general will have the right specifications and will offer the user a more fluid and pleasant interface.

2. Backend

As a complement to the frontend, the backend is the non-visible part of the website. This is the server where the data of our portal is hosted, so it's of utmost importance that the programmer does a good job.

The backend is where all our data is stored and it's the part of the site that users do not interact with directly. However, without this aspect of the page, the frontend would not be possible, so it plays an important role in the programming of the site.

Both parts depend on each other to give an optimal and complete result, so it's important that both are well programmed. For the site to work properly, both must be in tune with each other.

The backend is where the programming language that the programmer has chosen for your website comes into play. It's also what hosts the code of the website and what allows the browser to correctly read the information on the site.

How are programming and marketing related?

One of the most frequently asked questions is how marketing and programming are related. Well, answering this question is a simple task.

To do so, it's important to bear in mind that the internet and social networks are the best tools for marketing today.

As the years and technology advance, the way in which advertising campaigns are carried out is constantly changing to meet new needs and demands.

This is why the two branches go hand in hand, as in recent years customers have become increasingly interested in consuming digital products at their fingertips. This is why marketing experts are using new technologies for their campaigns.

So it's important that you consider hiring a coding expert as part of your digital marketing team. Not only will they be the partner you need, but they will also advise you on issues related to your company's web programming.

How does web programming benefit your company or brand?

When adopting new strategies and tools for your company, it's natural to wonder how they can be beneficial. That's why you may be wondering how you can make the most out of web programming.

Here are some of the benefits you can get from web programming.

1. It creates a space for customers

To set up a company in the past, the first thing founders would do was to get a space for the company's tasks. This ensured that they had a place for production and administrative matters.

Today, the equivalent of real estate is the internet. Thanks to it, users who access your website can become future customers of your brand.

That's why it's important to have a virtual space that houses everything you need for your customers.

A virtual shop offers a complete and accessible catalogue for all users, as well as different payment methods for them to purchase your products.

You can also add a space with information about your company for customers to familiarise themselves with it. The important thing is to have a website that is useful for both the company and the customers themselves.

2. It nurtures marketing campaigns

Social media marketing campaigns are becoming more frequent and effective. They help to reach a much wider sector and to generate a closer link with customers. They also help you to be known by new users.

You can take advantage of your business social networks to add a direct link to your website, especially if this is an online shop.

That way, both your social networks and your website will have a constant traffic of visitors. This will allow users, over time, to become brand ambassadors and recommend your brand to other potential customers in the future.

3. Interactive multimedia content

Users are increasingly attracted to multimedia content. This is why platforms such as TikTok, YouTube and Instagram are becoming increasingly popular and excellent tools for digital marketing campaigns.

Hiring a programmer with HTML5 skills will guarantee you a website with multimedia content that catches the attention of your users.

That way you will get an interactive user experience that can lead the user to a possible future purchase.

4. Increased brand reach

As we mentioned before, having an online presence is one of the best advantages you can have nowadays. It allows you to reach a larger number of people, making it a tool to advertise goods and services.

If you have a good SEO department you can get a better positioning in the main search engines, such as Google.

How does web programming benefit your company or brand?

Take advantage of web programming for your business! 

Expand your web presence with this tool that you can take advantage of for your future marketing campaigns.

Having a specialised web developer will help make the creation process of the site as fast and enjoyable as possible. They will know how to listen to the specifics of what you need in your portal.

Also, you can go to these professionals to get full advice on what you need to start designing your own website.

Are you a web programming lover? Let us know in the comments what you think of the subject so far: