What you need to know about computer science

Franco Brutti

13 de enero de 2023

What you need to know about computer science

It won't surprise you if we tell you that computer science is still one of the fastest growing job fields in recent years. The interesting thing is that you still have time to get on one of the most attractive ships in the whole ocean.

It would seem strange to even have to talk about this topic in 2022, when you've already been using computers for 20 years or more.

True, but you've never seen this as a business opportunity, have you? Well, it's time for you to see it.

Computers will never cease to exist, although they do point to an evolution that will surprise you from every point of view.

Are you ready to discover how you can be part of this? Let's take a look

What is computer science?

These are the disciplines that study information, applications, computers and the ecosystem in which these operate.

This science is responsible for understanding all the foundations that rule the area, from the programming languages to the logical and mathematical structures that make up the industry.

Computing originated many years ago when there was a need to decipher some messages that were hidden through encrypted code systems, i.e. cryptography.

This need was related to warfare and espionage, where the aim was to capture enemy information in order to neutralise their operations.

Today, computing is applied in multiple areas such as artificial intelligence, programming languages, mobile devices and automated systems. Read on to find out more about it.

Fields of computer science

The purpose of computer science is to automate as many processes as possible and make it easier to solve everyday tasks.

Think about it: before the arrival of computers, in order to write a university paper you had to use those heavy typing machines and waste paper if there was a mistake. Computers came along to change all that.

Let us now look at some of the fields that computer science occupies:

1. Theory of computation

The first one is the theory of computation which aims to systematise a process in a logical way.

In other words, it is responsible for detecting which problems can be solved through computation and with what level of efficiency. In this sense, the theory takes into account different models of computation such as Turing machines, finite automata and quantum computers.

Likewise, this theory is also responsible for understanding the boundary between computable and non-computable problems and then classifying them according to their degree of difficulty.

2. Data structure

Data structure is a very particular way of representing information.

Finite numbers of elements are identified by a variable of type array, while a list can be represented in a data structure of type linked list.

This field of computing helps you to solve problems much more easily because the rules do not change under any circumstances, which means that certain information will always be true.

3. Computer architecture

Meanwhile, computer architecture is the guidelines that make it possible to build a program and give you the ability to have a guide for developers and all those involved in the process. 

In other words, the architecture is like your gps that shows you which path you have to follow to meet the requirements of the project. Therefore, you first have to analyse each requirement to determine the tasks you have to execute. 

4. Programming

Programming is the instructions given to the computer to do a specific activity. 

Behind every program there are thousands of command lines that are structured in a very specific way. Nowadays there are different programming languages that are based on a series of standards that must be met in order to achieve the objectives. 

Fields Computer science

Computing disciplines

Computing disciplines are areas where the fundamentals of computing are successfully applied and have provided solutions for the everyday lives of people and industries. 

Let's take a look at each one below: 

1. Artificial intelligence

Let's start with artificial intelligence. This is the synthesis of processes for problem solving, environmental adaptation, decision making, communication and learning found in animals and humans.

In other words, it is based on teaching machines to mimic the natural intelligence that people possess through algorithms that model how you choose alternatives, and how you learn and identify patterns.

In this sense, it's important to understand that this type of intelligence is limited in that it cannot develop consciousness on its own, so it will never be autonomous in its decision-making.

However, in recent times we have seen advances such as machine victories in world chess championships and other games like League of Legends.

2. Robotics

Robotics is a computing discipline that deals with the operation, design, study and application of robots or automated machines.

To achieve this, it combines the best of various industries such as electrical engineering, electronics, biomedical engineering, computer science and mechanical engineering.

So, the general idea is to build equipment that can perform multiple activities that humans currently do, so as to increase the efficiency and speed of day-to-day tasks.

3. Software engineering

Software engineering is the study, implementation and modification of software with the aim of making sure that it is affordable, of high quality and easy to maintain by developers.

We can say that it's a more systematic approach to software development that requires different computer engineering techniques to achieve the goals.

In this way, engineers work not only on the creation of the projects, but also on their maintenance and internal layout to ensure that they work at all times.

4. Quantum computing

Quantum computing is a paradigm of computing that is based on the use of qubits, a strange combination of zeros and ones. 

The difference between qubits and bits is that the latter can be in one state at a time, but the former can be in several states simultaneously. This makes it possible to create new algorithms that can be used to run different computer processes. 

Computer disciplines

What is computing for?

It's difficult to imagine a world without computers. Their usefulness is such that in recent years different devices have appeared and computers are still there, solving problems for people and companies. 

Let's take a look at the following list to help you understand what computers are for today: 

1. Creating new solutions to problems

Undoubtedly the main benefit of computing is that it allows you to solve new problems. We're not only talking about computers, but about all computer sciences. 

This discipline allows you to facilitate processes and eliminate areas that are useless in order to optimise company resources. This way, several tasks that would otherwise take hours and hours to execute 100%, are automated. 

2. Making people's daily lives easier

Have you ever seen how university work was done in the 60s and 80s? Let alone how much research had to be done to find the definition of a new concept. 

This shows that the arrival of computing made people's everyday lives easier. No matter what you want to do, computers are likely to help you speed up the task at hand. 

3. Storage

You no longer have to keep all the documents and invoices that come in week after week, because with computers and cloud storage you can digitise them without taking up more space in your office or cupboard. 

New hard drives already come with plenty of space, but with Google Drive storage systems you can store everything you want for a small fee. 

4. Streamlining of processes

Last but not least is process streamlining. These are the tools you can use to do a task successfully in less time. 

This is relevant both at home and in companies, and if you can reduce the minutes it takes you to do an activity you have to make the most of it. 

Reasons to study computer science

Do you want to study computer science? The truth is that it's one of the best decisions you can make because it's a career with a promising future for the years to come. 

Let's take a look at some of the reasons to make up your mind once and for all: 

1. Career in demand

We couldn't start in any other way than with the great demand that exists today for computer professionals.

Technology continues to advance by leaps and bounds and this relates to computer science. Therefore, if you study this career you will be employed in exciting areas such as mobile development, artificial intelligence, robotics and programming.

You decide where to work, but you need to start studying now to secure your future opportunities.

2. Multiple opportunities

Closely related to the previous point. Although many people think that computing has gone out of fashion, the reality is quite the opposite and you can verify it with the new industries that appear in the market.

Sectors such as databases and cryptocurrencies need robust computer systems to support all their features.

So, do you want to have job opportunities in the coming years? Study computer science and watch the possibilities start knocking on your door.

3. Specialisations

One of the reasons why you should consider computer science as a career option is because you can specialise in multiple areas.

This is a great benefit as many professions have suffered from the crisis because they have a very narrow focus and do not offer alternatives to practise. Thus, people have had to look for new options and that's where computing comes in.

Robotics, programming, artificial intelligence and software development are some of them. Which one do you like the most?

4. Remuneration

You cannot overlook the importance of remuneration when choosing a career.

There's no point in studying something that doesn't offer you opportunities to achieve a fulfilling life in every way, especially financially.

Fortunately, computing is such a complete profession that it covers all areas of your life. Many specialists agree that it's one of the most lucrative careers in almost all countries.

For example, in the United States, a computer scientist can earn a salary of USD 80,000 in the first few years of his or her career alone. Imagine what you can get when you have more experience.

All this goes to show that computer science remains one of the most complete fields in the world, offering opportunities for growth to all those who want to learn.

Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds and computer science goes hand in hand to support the new hardware that is coming onto the market. Every programme, robot or project you see on your mobile or computer requires specific programming to work as planned.

That's where computer science comes into play, so from every angle it's a great opportunity that you can't miss. It's time you made the decision to make a name for yourself in one of the careers of the future.

Hopefully, with this information, you have understood all that computer science encompasses and can solve.

No matter in which direction the world is moving, computer science will always be there at all times.

Have you already decided to study computer science? We want to know what you think, leave your opinion in the comments.