Why is security important in your WiFi network?

Franco Brutti
The enormous benefits of the Internet and the wifi network are not a secret to anyone. Living in a world in total and constant connection and almost in real time, is something that would be crazy to think about for our ancestors and that today is more than a reality.
But are you paying enough attention to security issues?
While it is true that thinking about the advantages of the Internet is something not too complicated, it’s also necessary to be aware of the risk that this technology implies for our own personal data security.
Identification theft, malware downloads, blackmail, or even the possibility of receiving threats.
The truth is that wifi security is becoming more and more necessary: creating a whole awareness and a space for constant education on cybersecurity issues is almost an obligation.
Cybercriminals are always on the lookout for vulnerable network systems in order to steal sensitive information and use it for their own benefit.
Did you know that just by learning the basics, you will already be many steps ahead of those who do not pay attention to these issues? Well, if this has motivated you, and you want to protect yourself and your loved ones as well as possible, don't miss this.
What is WiFi security?
It’s very necessary to be able to define what WiFi is, being this a wireless connection by radio waves and working at frequencies between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
The purpose of these waves is to create a wireless communication network, which allows the connection of different smart devices with WiFi chips.
This translates into data and information sharing, which can take place through private or local networks, which usually need passwords in order to be used.
There are also public networks to which any user can have access.
So what is WiFi security?
It’s the process by which software is used that implements standard security layers that encrypt the activities of a user in wireless networks. Activities are encrypted and converted into meaningless text to prevent cybercriminals from breaching a user's security and stealing personal information.
In other words, it’s a process that encrypts your information and activity on the Internet so that you cannot be identified so easily and so as to prevent your information from being stolen. This prevents you from receiving theft, attacks, or threats that could threaten your integrity.
It’s what allows you, for example, to make use of public networks in which many people are connected without a hacker easily stealing your information.
This is because your information is encrypted, making it private information even when you are using a public service.
Why is it important to set up a WiFi network password?
Setting passwords to make use of a wireless WiFi network is what is known as setting up a secure network since a user would need the password to be able to access your local network and be able to check your activities and in some way, harm you.
What happens with the password is that it allows you to add an additional security filter to the encryption of information.
Therefore, if a user doesn’t have access to your network, he will not be able to access it and therefore hacking you will be much more complicated. This is why setting a password is imperative for any Internet user who cares about their personal security.
Thanks to this password, you will be able to have:
Greater overall security.
Only people you trust will have access to it.
You’ll considerably reduce the list of users who can possibly harm you.
With a private local network, you will reduce the frequency congestion: the fewer devices connected to your network, the higher your browsing speed and general security.
Our recommendation for you is always make use of a WiFi network password. In addition, it should have alphanumeric data to make it even more secure, preventing the intrusion of any malicious user.
What are open WiFi networks?
This is one of the most important and interesting points of this article, since on many occasions you may come across this type of network. In fact, you may even have entered a type of open WiFi network on many occasions without realizing it, or without being aware of all that this implies.
Do you remember that in a previous point, we talked about staying safe even in public networks? Well, this is a half-truth. The reality is that public networks are the most dangerous and the ones you should avoid at all costs if possible.
A public network or open network is one that does not require a password to access and use. However, this allows many users to expose their data to other users who can make use of this information.
In some cases, some open networks even ask you to provide your phone number or email address in order to gain access. In these cases, we recommend you either not to log in, or to enter a number or spam email that is not of great importance to you or has important data.
Our recommendations for you with this type of network are the following:
1. Avoid tasks involving the use of personal data
If you are connected to a public network, it’s best that you do not access applications for personal use or that have personal information.
Banks, wallets, important accounts, etc... This is to avoid any type of leakage of your data through your activities.
Remember, if you are in an open network, the best thing you can do is to perform simple communication activities and avoid exposing any important data at all times.
2. Entering encrypted web pages
Another recommendation when using an open network, is to only enter web pages whose URL begins with the acronym: HTTPS.
Although these initials are not the most common acronyms for websites, we recommend that you only visit sites with this name for data security reasons.
HTTPS is a browsing protocol that allows communication between a WiFi network and a website in a secure way, since it encrypts your browsing data, unlike HTTP.
For this reason, its use is recommended since, despite being on a public network, your information or activity will be encrypted and protected. However, keep in mind that not all websites and applications make use of this protocol.
3. Make use of private browsers
Using a private browser can help you encrypt your information, since they usually encrypt your activities natively, and even have incognito browsing options.
Keep in mind that these private browsers have different characteristics in the way they encrypt and protect your information and Internet browsing.
Below, we will show you a list of some popular private browsers so that you can make use of them, as well as mention some pros and cons to take into consideration.
Mozilla Firefox
A browser that advocates your right to privacy.
Ability to adjust some security features, such as browser fingerprinting.
You will have to configure it manually if you want the best protection for your data.
You will have to download extensions to further improve browsing security, in addition to blocking ads.
Integrated privacy features, ad blocker, and anti-tracking.
You will have a password manager and HTTPS encryption.
Fewer extensions than in other browsers.
Incompatibility with some websites.
Avast Secure Browser
Very efficient and customizable ad blocker for each website.
Antiphishing detector helps you identify when a malicious website is trying to steal your information or install malicious malware on your system, and it also notifies you of this.
Anti-tracking software to prevent website cookies.
Recognition blocks for safer surfing on the Internet.
Limited features in terms of some extensions or other popular browsers.

WEP, WPA, WPA2, and WP3 Algorithms
We know! You were just understanding everything perfectly and all of a sudden we mention these acronyms that leave you with more doubts than answers.
It’s possible that you’ve never heard of them if you’re not interested in technology. However, it’s important to know them if you want to have better knowledge about your security when surfing the web.
What is WEP?
Wired Equivalent Privacy is an IEEE 802.11 wireless browsing security algorithm, which communicates 900 MHz and 2.4, 3.6, 5, and 60 GHz frequencies.
This type of browsing algorithm is currently in disuse by the vast majority of Internet companies and routers, the reason being that its 40-bit key protection technology is quite deficient in terms of security.
In fact, it has been demonstrated that with free programs it’s possible to decrypt information protected with WEP, which is why its use has started to decrease and only 3% of network access points use this algorithm or protocol.
What are WPA and WPA2?
Moving up the list, you also have WPA, WiFi Protected Access. It’s an algorithm that was born as a way to improve everything that WEP lacked.
In terms of security, WPA is still used today, although to a lesser extent than WPA2, which to this day is the standard used by most Internet companies and routers.
Both WPA and WPA2 use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher, which is a type of digital encryption approved by the National Security Agency (NSA) as it encrypts your information at a secret level.
However, both technologies still have some shortcomings such as password leakage, also known as hacking.
What is WPA3?
It’s a type of security protocol that has improved on all of the above. It even provides a higher layer of data protection for passwords that may be considered weak and may be subject to targeted attacks.
With WPA3 this problem is solved, and it also connects different devices to the same network in a secure way. Through this network, these devices connected to a secure network will be scanned from their QR, and NFC tags and download device information to the cloud.
This makes a hacker think twice before hacking into a device, as they can be identified more easily.
5 Tips to improve your corporate WiFi Security

When owning a company or corporation, one of the issues that most concern the leaders, and rightly so, are the issues of browsing security.
But what exactly do you need to protect yourself from? Well, different things:
Virus and malware infections can multiply and damage an entire corporate network system.
Theft or leakage of important data on the network.
Possible corporate espionage.
Lower productivity.
To avoid these evils, it’s important to be able to invest as much as possible in digital security. Here are some recommendations that you should take into consideration.
1. Device management
As different wireless devices are added to the WiFi network, they can be tracked so that illicit practices can be identified.
For this reason, in some countries, wireless internet or WiFi is mandatory, as it allows this type of tracking to rule out such malpractices. In addition, of course, it controls the access to these devices.
2. Invest in data protection software
Many companies are not aware of the importance of protecting data and information, which leads them to neglect this aspect to the point of exposing very sensitive information, making them victims of large-scale cyber-attacks.
For this reason, many private companies have been born with the intention of building software tailored to each company to protect their data from these attacks.
Thus, it’s recommended that you invest in digital security at all times as your company grows and develops. The more data management, the more security will be necessary. Neglecting this aspect may not only be a problem of money but also a legal problem.
3. Corporate digital security policies
Every company or corporation must apply digital security policies because employees must be aware of all the dangers that surfing the Internet implies.
So in addition to having some basic monitoring rules, it’s also advisable to have education sessions on cybersecurity and web browsing.
4. Keep yourself updated on the use of navigation protocols.
A clear example of this is not to use WEB browsing algorithms, and to be up to date with WPA3 browsing protocols.
This will allow the security filters to be kept up to date at all times and data leakage will be considerably reduced.
5. Updated firewall and change passwords
A very simple and very important tip. Keeping all your devices up to date indicates that in security matters they will also be up to date with the latest drivers.
This would greatly complicate the actions of hackers, plus if you combine firewall protection with a change of passwords periodically, you will be adding that extra security needed.
Do you think this information has been useful for you and do you think it would be important for others to know?
Do not hesitate to share it in your networks and with your acquaintances so that everyone can be protected when surfing the Internet.
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