The reasons why data fabric is gaining ground in the business world

Franco Brutti
Are you concerned about the integrity of your company's data? Then it's time to take a look at what data fabric has in store for you.
It’s increasingly part of the vocabulary of marketing specialists in many companies that are in the market, and they can not afford to lose information on their employees or their customers.
Would you like to see how you can protect this treasure to the maximum to work quickly and safely? Find out below with data fabric.
What is data fabric?
Let's start by defining what data fabric is. It’s a kind of service architecture that processes large volumes of data from different sources in a better way.
This gives you the possibility to combine them into the same group regardless of the source, allowing different teams to work with large amounts of information within the same space without any restrictions.
Think for a moment of a thread connecting different points such as locations, data sources and types. Well, with this methodology, information is processed and stored in real time as it moves through this data thread.
There is also the possibility for internal and external apps to access this information and share it in order to execute different actions that benefit the company.
Importance of data fabric
Many specialists point out that data fabric is the new trend to work on when processing information. At present, almost 80% of companies are actively searching for new alternatives to automate the information of their projects.
This is where data fabric comes into play, as it allows to organize all the data that a company handles no matter where it comes from, so that it has enough room for maneuver to foresee different scenarios.
In this sense, the firm Gartner estimates that by the end of the year almost a third of corporations will use the collective intelligence of their analysis to surpass companies that rely only on centralized analysis.
Get ready to enter an industry that will be worth $3.3 billion by 2026. What are you waiting for to get started?
Advantages of data fabric
Let's take a look at some of the advantages data fabric offers:
1. Centralized and simplified data management.
The first advantage we find with this trend is 100% orderly management. With today's competition, you can't afford to have unorganized information because when it comes down to it, you won't find what you need.
Thus, if you use data fabric, you will be able to gather data from all sources and store them in one place. It couldn’t be better.
2. Fast strategic information
Many companies still wait for days to get the information they need, but by the time they get it, the competition has already beaten them to it, and that's where the problems come in.
However, if you opt for data fabric, you will obtain and organize data in real time. Forget about waiting, with this tool that is here to stay.
3. Reliable source of information
There’s nothing better than finding what we are looking for in the shortest possible time and in an organized way. For this, data fabric employs a series of processes that allow presenting data from 100% reliable sources so that you can execute the pertinent actions.
4. Automated data management
The manual processes that we used to do to manage the large amount of information in our possession generated many errors that cost money in the medium and long term. Now with data fabric all these mechanisms are automated to minimize the risk of failures in a very short time.
5. Adaptable and scalable
Market demands force companies to evolve their business model from time to time in order to optimize their operations. Thus, with data fabric we will have the possibility of unifying processes to be as efficient as possible when executing any change.
Implementation of data fabric
Would you like to implement data fabric in your company? Find out everything you need to do it successfully:
1. Ecosystem integration
You need to build the right ecosystem to manage and store data. User information has to be sent to the data manager and storage system to avoid any mishaps.
2. Application and services
This is a series of infrastructures that are necessary to obtain the information. Here the most important thing is the graphical user interface and the development of applications so that the client has the possibility to interact with the equipment.
3. Security
On the other hand, it’s necessary to create the appropriate protocols so that the information is secure against any unforeseen event that may occur.
4. Storage management
With regard to storage, data is stored in the most accessible way possible so that it can be found in the shortest possible time.
5. Transport
The idea at this point is to have the right infrastructure in place to access information from anywhere in the company.
Cases in which data fabric is used
Do you still have doubts about the usefulness of the data fabric? Many companies still don’t know the practical benefits of this trend that is here to stay.
Make yourself comfortable and find out in the following list:
1. Customer service
Customer service is one of the most important elements of any business and one of the reasons why users switch providers.
If you don’t want this to happen, it’s important that you use data fabric as soon as possible. Nowadays, customer data arrives through multiple channels, social networks, email, instant messaging and the web itself. Therefore, organizing them manually is almost impossible, but if you use this tool you will have no major problems.
With data fabric you will define the necessary parameters to prioritize the data in a way that allows you to access it whenever you want in the shortest possible time. What are you waiting for to use it?
2. Fraud detection
Attacks by cybercriminals cause millions of dollars in losses for companies around the world. Digitalisation has led to an increasing number of threats that want to hijack your personal information and that of your customers.
However, with data fabric you can see the entire environment, from what is happening internally to externally, allowing you to detect suspicious behavior before it’s too late.
How does it do this? By analyzing information from various sources such as social networks, news and user transactions. Now you'll be one step ahead of the criminals.
3. Sales projection
On the other hand, one of the big reasons why data fabric has gained weight in the market is because it allows companies to improve sales forecasting by analyzing data from different sources.
This provides a complete picture that can be used to optimize the organization's marketing levels in the medium and long term. Now you will be prepared for the different fluctuations of the sector, upturns in sales, times of crisis and any inconvenience that may occur.
4. Optimization of human resources
Human capital management can be a real challenge for companieshuman, but with data fabric you won't have any more headaches.
This trend allows you to integrate the information of your employees and new applicants who knock on your company's door to take advantage of a new job opportunity.
Now you can take a look at the schedule of the entire organization, know the satisfaction of staff and some indicators that will allow you to know the level of performance of each worker.
Examples of data fabric
Now it's time to analyze some examples of sectors that are currently using this trend. Are you going to miss it?
1. Healthcare
We start with the healthcare sector. Here data fabric helps to obtain a centralized view of patient information, allowing professionals to determine the best treatment for each situation.
Also, clinical trials are often much more accurate because each user's history is compared with laboratory results, which will have the potential to save many lives.
2. Manufacturing
Secondly, we have manufacturing, which ranges from raw material processing to household items.
The supply chains involved in these processes are significant and there comes a time when they exceed the capacity of traditional systems. That’s why the vast majority of companies in the sector are relying on data fabric to organize the data they need to perform their daily tasks.
Be prepared to know the status of your machinery, human capital, market problems and possible shortages.
3. Energy industry
The energy industry relies heavily on mechanical engineering to run its processes. Well, with data fabric, entrepreneurs can keep track of each of its areas to detect problems in their machines before it’s too late.
This is essential because we are talking about very expensive machines that take time to repair, so any anticipation of the problem will make you lose as little money as possible.
Also, keep in mind that data can come from different sources, from sensors, machines, staff reports and the market itself, so it will help you to centralize the information to be more efficient.
4. Retail trade
Retail has gone through a time of transition after the pandemic hit. Now everyone wants to sell online and reduce as much as possible the fixed costs of the establishment and for that it is mandatory to rely on data.
This has led more and more stores to apply data fabric to know precise information about their customers in order to make the best possible offer. What are you waiting for to apply it?
5. Financial services
Financial services are characterized by handling a large amount of data that they use to know the customer's current status and offer them better products adapted to their situation.
In this sense, the data fabric helps to protect this sensitive information, because it is sensitive data that can be very dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands.
How to apply data fabric in your business?
There’s no doubt that data fabric is a trend that is here to stay. Now it’s your turn to take the necessary steps to take advantage of all its benefits and the first thing you have to do is to audit all your processes to determine what your current architecture is.
Once you have done this, we recommend that you determine the processes you want to optimize and how soon you expect to see improvements.
Everything will depend on the type of company and the sector you work in, but we are sure that it will help you to obtain new results.
What are you waiting for to implement data fabric in your company? Take the necessary time and hire specialists to help you make the leap you need. In a very short time you will see that the numbers will increase in the key areas of your business.
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