Marketing orientation | explanation, examples and more!

Franco Brutti

24 de octubre de 2024

24 de octubre de 2024

24 de octubre de 2024

Marketing orientation | explanation, examples and more!
Marketing orientation | explanation, examples and more!
Marketing orientation | explanation, examples and more!

Would you like to create a business that is sustainable over time? There are many ways to achieve this, and one of the best ones is through marketing orientation.

When you start a business, it's a common thing to start selling at once in order to recover your investment as quickly as possible. This is not wrong, the problem is that you're forgetting something very important: the customer's needs. 

Marketing orientation is the solution to all this. It's a way to focus on your target audience without neglecting the internal operations of the company. 

Don't worry, the profitability and sustainability of the business will still be a priority, but now you will use factual information to create your marketing campaigns.

Are you up for it? 

What is marketing orientation?

When you work in a company you have several areas you can work on. One of them is marketing orientation, which seeks to solve user needs in order to create solid long-term relationships. 

The interesting thing about marketing orientation is that it prioritizes the customer without compromising other important elements such as project profitability, feasibility of operations, suppliers, competition and much more. 

In short, it's about offering a value proposition that takes into account both the customer and the market in general. To do this, it's extremely important to gather factual information that shows customer statistics and then create a data-driven strategy that increases the chances of success. 

Reasons to orient your company towards marketing

We are facing one of the most challenging eras today, users have more and more alternatives to choose from, which means that competition is on the agenda. 

What does this mean? For your company to succeed, it must now take into account the needs of users and then create products and services that fit their needs. 

A good way to do this is through market research that segments your audience by demographics and other specific characteristics that will help you create much more targeted campaigns.

In addition, marketing orientation will allow you to know what your users' needs will be in the future thanks to the metrics that you will be managing along the way. This way you will have a portfolio of products adapted to what the market demands at all times. 

Elements to take into account when orienting your company towards marketing

There are several elements to consider if you want to orient your company to marketing. Some of them are: 

1. Knowing all market players

One of the mistakes companies make is focusing only on one market player, i.e., the customer. 

The reality is that there are many agents that have an influence: competitors, employees, suppliers, government, regulatory bodies and much more. 

Focus then on knowing the expectations and needs of everyone in general. This way you will know what the market demands and you will be able to create value propositions that satisfy the entire group. 

2. Satisfying everyone equally

As you know, it's not only about satisfying the needs of your customers, but you have to focus on helping all participants.

Don't forget about suppliers, government agents, shareholders, intermediaries and everyone who makes it possible for the business to be viable. 

This way you will see how in a short time everything will go according to plan and the objectives will start to be achieved. 

3. Market research tools

Obtaining relevant information about the consumer's behavior is essential if you want to be a competitive company in the 21st century. 

Metrics are fundamental to make better decisions and you will achieve this with the right tools. 

It's time for you to invest in the most advanced programs of the moment so that you know what is happening with the customer at all times.

It will allow you to be one step ahead when it comes to making a change, don't hesitate. 

4. Measurable and real objectives

For a strategy to be successful, it's important to develop a series of measurable and real objectives that are in line with the company's mission and vision. 

In this regard, there's nothing better than applying SMART goals to increase the likelihood of success. 

5. Involving everyone in the process

As you see, marketing orientation is synonymous with customer service, so from now on you will have to involve your entire team in the user's satisfaction. 

Come on, don't leave any department out. Everyone has to know what strategy they will implement and what the customer needs in order to be happy. 

Marketing orientation

3 Marketing-oriented companies

There's no doubt that marketing orientation is a strategy that will increase your chances of building loyalty with your target audience. 

Want to see some examples of leading companies that use marketing orientation to maintain their sales? Check them out below:

1. Apple

Of course, we couldn't start any other way. Apple was until not long ago the company with the largest market capitalization in the world thanks to its focus on the customer at all times. 

The Apple brand is a clear example of what a customer-focused strategy means. At the beginning, they started by simplifying processes so that people could do their tasks on their cell phones in just a few steps. 

Then they innovated with new devices such as the iPod and Mac until they reached the cloud services they offer today. Always thinking about new customer needs to create much more accurate products and services. 

2. Amazon

The e-commerce giant is not far behind when it comes to marketing orientation.

The loyalty of its customers is such that Amazon occupies more than a third of the e-commerce market, all thanks to its state-of-the-art platform that facilitates the purchase of products and services. 

No matter where you are, we are sure that Amazon products can reach your city, which demonstrates the adaptation to the user no matter how much time goes by. 

3. Starbucks

Starbucks is more than a coffee shop, it's the ideal place to meet with someone, have a good cup of tea and spend a pleasant moment. 

The truth is that they are another example of customer service, and they were the first to offer free Internet, in addition to developing a strategy to make the customer feel important at all times. 

Marketing orientation is a fundamental aspect if you want to make a difference in today's competitive world. 

The customer is not always right, but you must make him think that he is right in order to make him loyal to your services.

Don't forget to apply the suggestions we gave you today so that you can take your company to the next level. Are you ready?