Marketing orientation, explanation, examples and more

Franco Brutti
Can you imagine ensuring the profitability of your business without compromising its medium and long term operation?
One way to achieve this is through marketing orientation. Yes, as you read it, with it you will delight your customers and you will be ahead of all the moves made by your competitors.
It's time to forget about creating strategies that don't fit what your audience needs. Apply targeting to marketing and you'll see the difference right from the start.
Want to know how to do it? Take note of the following article.
What is marketing orientation?
Marketing orientation is one of the basic concepts of any company's marketing strategy.
It's defined as the methodology that seeks to satisfy the needs of the target audience without neglecting the other actors in the market.
Suppliers, competitors, distributors and customers in general are all taken into account to create an effective strategy.
If your company is marketing oriented, it will seek to create a proposal that values the end user and his needs, which increases your chances of making money.
Today's high level of competition makes it essential to focus on the needs of the audience in order to be successful.
Once you know the demographic details of your customer you will be able to create more effective campaigns that will give you the profitability you are looking for.
Elements to take into account when it comes to marketing orientation
Marketing orientation is an innovative vision when it comes to establishing our focus.
Many companies focus only on sales and profitability, leaving aside the satisfaction and needs of users, which is the raison d'être of any company.
Let's take a look at some factors that you should evaluate in order to orient your company to marketing.
1. Stakeholders' expectations
As we said in the first section, in order to apply marketing orientation it's essential to take into account all the agents that are part of the market.
This includes consumers, competitors, suppliers, government, shareholders, employees and the market in general.
This will give you a clear picture of what's happening and what you need to offer to solve the problem of your audience.
2. Satisfying needs
Satisfying customer needs is the raison d'être of any company, even more so if it is marketing oriented.
Focus on putting the customer above all else and use metrics to understand their behavior on the web and on your social networks.
From there you will be able to make the necessary adjustments to improve the quality of your service.
3. Customer resources
You must make available to users all the resources that are relevant to solve their needs.
This can range from an after-sales service, product user manual, satisfaction guarantee and much more.
4. Tools
A competitive company does not spare money on tools that allow it to research the latest market trends.
Nowadays there are free and paid alternatives that you should use professionally.
Stay ahead of any changes and you will see how users will be delighted with the service you provide.

Reasons to orient my company to marketing
There are many reasons why you should orient your company to marketing. Some of them are:
1. You know your audience better.
Por supuesto, una de las ventajas que te da el marketing en la compañía es conocer bien a Of course, one of the advantages that marketing gives you in the company is to know your target audience well.
You can't afford to aim at different targets, you have to know exactly what your audience needs, when and how they need it.
With a marketing orientation you will be able to know their age range, demographic characteristics and consumption habits. Implement it and see the results.
2. You can predict trends
No, you won't see the future, but with marketing you can anticipate new market behaviors and needs.
Once you detect it, you can adapt your products and services to the new requirements that users have.
It could be a technological tool that changed the landscape, a financial crisis or the arrival of a disease.
Never stop evaluating the market and you will reduce uncertainty as much as possible.
3. You can adapt your products and services
Adapting your products and services is one of the keys to success in entrepreneurship.
Users' needs are not permanent, they change according to the market situation, so you must be aware of everything that is going on around you.
Ask questions, create conversation topics and get feedback from your users. You will see how this will become a great source of information for your business.
How to orient my company to marketing?
1. Brand identity
When we talk about brand identity we refer to the mission, vision and all those elements that differentiate you from other companies in the market.
You cannot forget the graphic identity. Choose visual identities, colors and slogans that fit the tone of your brand and you will see that they will be of great help in attracting new customers.
2. Value proposition
The value proposition is fundamental. It's the speech you will give to your customers about the benefits of your products.
The way you communicate it will influence the sales of the business in the short and medium term. Therefore, the idea is to find the right words according to the type of customer you have in front of you.
3. Brand values
What are your brand values, what do you demonstrate to the market?
All companies have a value that differentiates them from others and your company cannot be the exception.
Coca Cola conveys happiness, Apple simplicity and irreverence, what do you convey?
4. Strategy
Last but not least, we have the strategy that will help you achieve the goals you set.
It can be campaigns or any type of action that will lead you to the longed-for results. All this must be aligned with the elements mentioned in the previous sections to meet the needs of your customer.
In this way you will have a marketing-oriented company that will focus all its efforts on the end user.

We have no doubt that with this trend you will achieve the results you have set out to achieve.
Don't forget to know your customers' needs in order to create a short and precise speech that will increase your sales possibilities.
What do you think about marketing orientation? We'll read you in the comments.
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