Top 5 Offline Marketing Strategies that still work

Franco Brutti

17 de octubre de 2022

17 de octubre de 2022

17 de octubre de 2022

Top 5 Offline Marketing Strategies that still work
Top 5 Offline Marketing Strategies that still work
Top 5 Offline Marketing Strategies that still work

Offline marketing is more present than ever in our lives. 

Although it may seem the opposite and that digital marketing seems to be the only solution for digital businesses, the truth is that offline marketing still plays an important role for any brand. 

Regardless of whether it's an online business or a traditional one. 

Whether you already work in digital marketing or you are about to start or just want to learn new strategies for your business; this post is just for you. 

You'll need pencil and paper to read from head to toe this information, shall we get started? 

5 Offline Marketing Strategies that will lead your business to success

If you are everywhere you will be able to reach a wider audience, of course. But to be everywhere you must first be aware of how you'll do it. 

In marketing, it's important that the actions you take are specific, that way they can correspond to the objectives you have set before and you will be able to measure the results. 

Let's see then which offline marketing strategies could help you right now: 

1. Advertise in mass media

Traditional media will never stop working; television, radio and printed newspapers are still as valid as they are authoritative in marketing. 

The most interesting thing is that even though there's an infinite universe of programs and broadcasters, you have the possibility to choose in which media you want to appear. Nowadays there's a wide range of programs specialized in a specific topic, if it corresponds to your brand, maybe this is the opportunity you're looking for. 

What we must confess is that thanks to the reach and renown of traditional media, the prices and rates required to appear in them are not available to all companies. 

Therefore, you will have to evaluate the economic resources that your company has at the moment and if the decision to appear in traditional media right now is the right one. 

In any case, it's still an option that would be good to have in your hands. 

In case you decide to take the step, you will investigate well which channels and media are the most relevant for your target audience. In addition to the moments when they consume this content. 

2. Commercial directories as allies 

Business directories are more than just a trend, they are an offline marketing tool for your online business. 

What we like about directories as a marketing strategy is that potential customers have already made a purchase decision regarding your products or services.

This represents an advantage for you since you don't need that customer to go through other stages of the funnel or to recognize a little more the authority that your brand has in digital media. 

Directories are usually classified by sector, service and population. So your interest will be to be able to evaluate the offers already offered by your competitors in order to know how you will create your ads. 

If you were your potential client, what would you like to receive from your brand, what would be different from the rest of the advertisers? That is the challenge you will have to take on.    

3. Use direct marketing to your advantage 

Especially if you are a local store or business, direct marketing actions are infallible for increasing sales. 

Direct marketing has a lot of potential to raise awareness of brands that are just starting out or are small, as is the case of one-person start-ups like you. 

Here you have a universe of options to start creating those strategies you need today, from printing and distributing brochures, business cards or door-to-door promotion. 

So the first thing you will have to analyze is the objective you want to achieve with that advertising campaign. For example, if you want your brand to be recognizable and to stay in the minds of your target audience, you will be interested in appearing in events related to the brand's sector and distributing merchandising with your company's logo and phrases.   

4. Create cards and coupons

If you have a product that you are about to launch, ideally your customer should have the feeling that you've personalized their purchase just for them. 

These strategies are seen a lot in cosmetics and skincare sectors where users purchase a box of products with a thank you note on it. If you put their name on it and make the design look like it's handwritten, you've got heaven on earth.

And that example can be applied to ecommerce, personal brands, vegan product stores, clothing stores, accessories, jewelry.... 

And it doesn't matter if your business is online or a physical store. 

Discount coupons are another key element, especially when launching new products, but you can also take them into account for special dates such as Dog Day, Women's Day, Community Manager's Day, Groundhog Day... 

Of course, by this we don't mean that you will use every holiday in the calendar to promote your products or services, what relation could vegan protein shakes have with the Industrial Revolution Day? 

5. Offer free samples of what you sell 

This offline marketing strategy example applies to those stores that sell physical products, here you have the opportunity to offer your potential customers samples of what you sell. 

It can be in small presentations, in a card with a sample, a box of accessories, tasting samples and a long etcetera. 

For example, if you have a personal care products business, you could include a box with a sample of new products in the purchase of your customers. 

It would also apply to those food businesses that want their customers to try other recipes, cosmetics, clothing, accessories, kitchen utensils and even decoration materials! 

Another example would be interior design companies where you have a very sensory catalog of how the floors of your new home would look if you choose a lighter or a darker wood, for example. 

5 Offline Marketing Strategies that will lead your business to success

If you want to achieve your goals and generate more sales, you definitely have to explore other strategy options. 

Avoid sticking to just one truth! 

Do your research, analyze, put it into practice and let us know how it goes. 

P.S.: remember to leave your comment in the box below.